Summer comes and you sit down again under the tent to burn and not much in return do not get "freckles". Yes, this is true - in most cases there is pigmentation after a long stay in the sun. Your skin, on the one hand, markedly transformed by getting matt sunny shade, but on the other hand - on the face and hands appear pronounced dark spots. Of course, you ask yourself whether these spots are curable, and they are not dangerous to health.
Of course, a crucial role in the formation of melanin plays sun. Melanin - a natural pigment that gives skin and hair a certain color, ranging from light yellow to dark red. However, not all people have facial pigmented spots. Here mainly plays the role of a hereditary factor. Therefore, in order to slow down the process of melanin production, it is necessary to observe two simple rules: do not stay long in the sun, and less to eat and drink products, darkening complexion (strong tea, black coffee, chocolate). However, not always pigmentation associated with heredity and is natural. Its causes may be different diseases, and poor diet, alcohol and tobacco.
Treatment of pigmentation conduct both traditional and non-traditional ways. Enormous effect is achieved by using grapefruit juice. To do this, use ripe, not too hard and fruits every day to eat at least three segments. If you have stomach problems, then squeezed grapefruit juice diluted with water in the following ratio: 1 part grapefruit juice and 3 parts water. The resulting drink should drink daily in the morning. Sometimes it can be diluted juice to wipe the face, but only if the skin is not very sensitive, otherwise it may cause irritation. The skin becomes lighter in two weeks.
Conventional methods of treatment include:
- Chemical peels;
- Laser removal of stains;
- Treatment liquid nitrogen;
- Resurfacing;
- Vitamin.
The first and last options are best known means for removing dark spots. Vitamin - hardly any main method of dealing with pigmentation, especially at the initial stage. In any pigmented spots prescribe vitamins B and C to restore strength and energy. However, not always peels and vitamin clean stains forever. However, these methods of treatment are available, and in most cases yield good results. Particularly indicated when peeling skin aging, acne and scars. Contraindications for it are pregnancy, lactation, cold sores and fever.
The essence of the laser is the laser radiation absorbing pigmentation and as a result, complete disappearance of spots. This method is relatively simple and produces good results. Furthermore, the procedure is safe, does not cause any other skin changes. However, after conducting a while can not stay long in the sun. In this case, you can use sunscreen. Also, laser removal of stains can not be performed under certain skin tones.
Treatment with liquid nitrogen (krioapplikatsiya) is also one of the most popular methods of combating "freckles" senile keratomas and pigmentation of any origin. The effectiveness of this method of struggle with senile keratomas and other age-related changes is almost 100%.
As for skin rejuvenation, this procedure as krioapplikatsiya, mainly aimed at getting rid of wrinkles, age-related changes of the skin. However, removal of pigmentation and spider veins on the skin - its main purpose. It generally takes much time and has no side effects.
If you want to avoid pigmentation, you should remember three basic rules: First, do not a lot of sun, and secondly, you need to use sunscreen, and thirdly, it should be less smoke, drink alcohol, often walk. Children should be accustomed from childhood to sunbathe in moderation. By following these basic rules, you can prevent pigmentation, even if it you have a predisposition.