The secret of light skin Swedes

The secret of light skin Swedes
 Some peoples dark skin and smooth, while others - white as snow, and very sensitive. Worth Swede or Englishwoman stay in the sun for 10 minutes, her face immediately turns red, and can be very burnt. But Brazilian Armenian women or vice versa in the summer may be safely stay in the sun and did not worry about your skin: natural tan protects them from the sun. So what is the secret of light skin and whether artificially achieve a similar effect?
 Five thousand years ago it was difficult to find a Swede, the skin that was not dark or tanned. In those days their diet consisted mainly of seafood and meat - foods rich in vitamin D. Today, the Swedes and the British 'preference for vegetables and fruits, as well as the body does not get the required amount of this important vitamin for him from the food he has to make up for it with another method. Studies conducted some years ago by UK scientists have shown that the intensity of the body's production of vitamin D depends on skin tone. In dark-skinned people, this vitamin is produced in several times slower than light-skinned.

If you are the owner of dark skin and just want to do it for a couple of shades lighter should think about your diet. You would think that these two points in a completely unrelated? You are mistaken. The fact that under ultraviolet light in the human body to produce vitamin D. actively And the lighter your skin, the faster the process. As experience clearly shows the Swedes, the human body has learned to adjust the amount of vitamin D necessary for it in different ways. If you do not receive it with food, your skin pigmentation is reduced to ensure that the production of this vital vitamin due to sun exposure.

So, what should be done to those who are desperately dreaming of marble pale skin, affecting surrounding their whiteness and inner glow? To begin, cut his time in the sun because of skin pigment production is directly dependent on the amount of sunlight, contact with your skin. Leave home only under cover of darkness or exclusively in cloudy weather, of course, not necessary, but to buy a sun umbrella and sunscreen is even worth it.

Change your diet, with an emphasis on foods rich in vitamin D: fish, shrimp, fresh meat and mussels. The main thing here - do not overdo it. Eat some seafood is not necessary, but they should definitely go to your weekly menu. Completely abandon sunbathing also not necessary, since a small amount of sunlight to produce vitamin D is necessary, but exercise moderation. Get out in the sun, but do not sit on it too long.

In any case, do not chase the Swedish white, if you are by nature endowed with dark eyes and swarthy skin more color. Remember that your natural beauty is much more valuable and better than what is artificial and artificial plantations. Take care of what is given to you by nature.

Tags: leather, secret Swede