Typically, such defects occur on the plantar surface of a fungal infection of the skin from drying out, for example, by summer frequent walking barefoot on the ground. Of course, it would be correct to consult a dermatologist, and only then selected in accordance with its conclusion treatment, but often because of the always busy to visit the doctor no time, and then come to the aid tested folk remedies.
In order to get rid of rough skin, you must at least once a week to steam feet and handle problem areas special pumice, and after such treatments heels lubricate fat cream or Vaseline.
In addition to the trays can be prepared ointment, which is very well softens the skin and promotes healing of small cracks. To prepare the salve take aloe leaves and pass them through a meat grinder, mix the resulting slurry with the usual baby cream in the ratio of 1 to 9. bandage with this ointment daily in place of formation of cracks in 3-4 hours.
In addition, use a specially made cake, which include fish oil, aloe vera, onion juice and flour. Of these components, taken in arbitrary proportions, knead the dough a kind and make small cakes that need to be applied to the problem areas overnight. In the morning, remove the cake and heels wipe pre-prepared decoction of calendula or oak bark, which should be fully absorbed.
Another proven way to get rid of cracks, which was used even by our grandmothers, is the use of honey. Rasparte their feet strike the heels honey on top and cover with cabbage leaves, putting the sheet to the inside of the heel. Secure the wrap using a bandage or gauze, and repeat this procedure daily at bedtime.