Secrets of care for heels

Secrets of care for heels
 Rough skin on heels sometimes brings a lot of inconvenience, especially if they appear cracks. Cause excessive dryness is a failure in the body: hormonal disorders, such as diabetes or abnormal metabolism. Cracked heels can occur due to excessive physical exertion on his feet, fungus or dermatitis. Determine the true cause of a doctor. To the skin on your heels was soft and gentle as a child, regularly look after them.
 Before you start make a pedicure foot bath with soap and soda. The water should be warm. After 15 minutes, rub your heels with a pumice stone or a special terochkoy. Then rinse the feet, dry them with a towel and apply a soothing cream on the damaged areas. For this fit cream with aloe and chamomile. They have healing properties. At night, apply a thick layer of cream, wrap the legs and polyethylene wear socks.

There are many popular recipes for the care of heels. Very good softens rough skin on their mask of zucchini. Finely chop or grate vegetables, put this mush on the gauze and apply for 30 minutes to the soles of his feet, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream. If you do a mask once a week, the skin on your heels will be incredibly tender.

Another great recipe. Mix egg yolk with a tablespoon of potato starch and a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Apply the mixture on steamed heel hold until crisp. Rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with fat cream.

The healing properties of aloe vera are known. If you make a compress for the night, you'll soon get rid of the cracks. Take a leaf of a plant, chop it, put this gruel on the problem areas, cover with plastic film and put on cotton socks.

Lovely scrub to remove the top layer of the skin can be made from olive oil and coarse salt. It will be enough to spend a few procedures to achieve excellent results.

If you are too busy and you have no time to prepare a mask, get an oil infusion of vitamins A and E at the pharmacy. Rub it in heels, carefully massaging them. And for the prevention of cracking periodically arrange for heels contrast baths. They will help to strengthen blood circulation and reduce the risk of corns and hard growths.

Tags: heel, care