If you think that your skin is not elastic, suggest you to spend a special test. According to the results, you can not only find out the answer to this question, but also to develop a further plan of action for the care of the skin.
So, grab the skin between thumb and index finger, make a rotation of the crease. If the skin will "resist" this turn - it is elastic. If you produce will be able to turn and in its place formed small wrinkles - you have medium skin elasticity. In that case, if the wrinkles on the turning point is not large and long run - the skin is not elastic. In the latter case you should apply to cosmetologists, in the first two you may well affect the elasticity of the skin on their own.
First of all skin elasticity that you want to raise, need special care. Then you should pay attention to cosmetics with lifting effect, suitable for your skin type and age. If you are a fan of natural products in skin care, that here you should look at the natural grape seed oil.
Furthermore, there are also special exercises to increase the elasticity of the skin, which is recommended to perform regularly.
The first exercise. Inhale for breath, your lips and cheeks inflate. Holding his breath, move air from one cheek to the other. Should do exercise until you short of breath. It should repeat four times per day.
The second exercise. Smile just lips and do not move any other facial muscles for 10 seconds. Relax. Repeat the exercise is worth five times a day.
Exercise third. As widely as possible, open your eyes and do not move any other facial muscles for 10 seconds. Relax. On the day of this exercise to be performed four times.