The easiest way to remove a wart faster and in a medical facility. Consult a dermatologist who will diagnose the wart and direct you to the removal of tumors. Usually the warts with liquid nitrogen sear - on the formation of a special tool is applied burning solution that penetrates deep into the tissues and removes wart with its root. Sometimes it may take a few sessions burning.
Cryotherapy is an alternative to laser treatments or electrocautery. The essence of the actions of all methods is one - to remove the dense hat and get rid of the roots in the skin. In severe cases, when a wart is overgrown roots, shown surgical excision of tissue.
At home, on the wart on your finger, you can get rid of a number of ways. Especially effective burning warts juice of celandine - you can apply to the wart or fresh juice of the plant, or purchased at the pharmacy and acrid burning composition of the same name. Cauterization should be carried out in several stages, until the crust has disappeared without exposing pink fabric with no trace of warts.
From folk methods you can use one simple but effective way - dip your finger off the wart in cement solution (dilute powder small amount of liquid), and rub the cement in education. Removal of warts vinegar essence should be careful not to damage healthy tissue. To do this, protect the skin on the finger of plaster, which cut a hole the size of a wart - close up the patch so that the cap warts was open, and the remaining tissues were protected. Take the pipette type vinegar and drip one drop in the center of the hole - the liquid will spread, filling the pores of the warts. Procedure should be repeated for several days, until you will burn the tumor completely.