How to get rid of scars after chickenpox

How to get rid of scars after chickenpox
 Despite the fact that physical beauty is much less important than the spiritual, it is the appearance of people attached great importance, especially during adolescence and early adulthood. The scars on his face from a medical point of view does not represent a huge problem, but their presence is often deprives a person of confidence and forced to lead a solitary life.  
 The scars on his face most often formed as a result of damage to the skin for acne, chicken pox and any other skin inflammations. Smooth skin is the dream of every person suffering from scars, and how this can be achieved with the help of a dermatologist and cosmetologist, as well as their own.

In mild cases, the skin lesions can effectively help the cocoa butter, which is necessary to rub lightly massaging the skin. These actions will help to increase blood flow to the skin and increase the efficiency of cocoa butter. It can significantly improve the appearance and restore the elasticity of the skin, and help smooth out some irregularities.

Modern medicine offers a huge amount of drugs to improve skin condition, which can be bought at any pharmacy. An experienced consultant will tell the names of such funds and will help you choose the best drug, depending on the individual person's susceptibility to certain substances and allergy. This can be a gel or a cream to be applied daily, or even 2 times per day. In order to observe any effect, it is necessary to use the tool for several weeks, in some cases it is possible to achieve even almost complete disappearance of scars.

For the general improvement of the skin is recommended daily to massage the face, especially on the problem areas. Do not get too put pressure on the affected area, and a gentle massage helps restore cellular nutrition of the skin, allowing it to heal yourself. You can also consult a dermatologist for chemical peels. This procedure consists in that, due to the effects of various acids deleted special top layers of skin, which leads to it. The particular acid selected depending on the nature of the damage and its number depends on the number of damaged layers.

Despite the abundance of cosmetics and special procedures to achieve complete disappearance of pitting is sometimes difficult, especially if the injuries were caused very long time.

Tags: skin, face, Ambassador, scar, chickenpox, care