Mole removal
This type of cosmetic remedies allows you to enter into the deeper layers of the skin. Thus, the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures is significantly increased.
With the help of modern and high quality cosmetic equipment can now be carried out:
• resurfacing,
• photoepilation,
• correction of hyperpigmentation,
• treatment of vascular malformations,
• smoothing wrinkles and folds,
• reducing the size of the pores,
• toning skin and body,
• scar removal,
• cleaning of the face and many other procedures.
Hardware cosmetology
It seems that there is not a single sphere of our life, in which a variety of wonders progress would not have been for a man irreplaceable. Even in such a sensitive area as the medical cosmetology, today there are so many different methods and procedures, which are used for hardware that sometimes you want to exclaim: "But how you ever got along without these contraptions! »
The question, of course, rhetorical. What is important is in the hands of a qualified doctor cosmetologist byut machines really effective aid in solving many aesthetic problems.
The healing power of the current
Today we can safely say that most of the variations of hardware maintenance based on the effects of electric shock. The first procedure with his participation - darsonvalization - was developed in the nineteenth century. Later, there were a variety of electroplating techniques, microcurrent therapy, myostimulation etc. They differ from each other parameters of the current (which may be variable or constant, have different power, voltage, frequency), and the range of exposure.
Without going into technical details, we note that in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology widely applied methods of micro neuromuscular electrical stimulation (MENS), as they are, firstly, relieve pain, and secondly, a positive effect on the processes occurring in the tissues . In other words, the various negative factors, such as slags, change in pH, photodamage, leading to physiological disorders in the tissues.
For regeneration is necessary to activate the intracellular metabolism and provide cells vital to their food. To solve this problem helps current known ability to choose the path of least resistance, ie, order to get it loose, damaged structures.
Penetrating into them, talk a certain character resumes its own energy potential of cells, improves the synthesis of proteins, lipids and other essential substances. Successively recovered enzyme activity, transport of biologically active substances, microcirculation.
The versatility of such effects is that the stimulus receive all cells: currents contribute to the regeneration of the epidermis; reconstruct the damaged collagen and elastin fibers, improving skin turgor; quickly and effectively restore the tone of weakened muscles.
And therefore indications for therapy of electric shock are signs of skin aging, wrinkles, spasms circular muscles of the mouth and eyes, puffiness, dark spots, rosacea (vascular pathology), rosacea, seborrhea and acne, alopecia, cellulite, stretch marks and scars, as well as training to plastic surgery and rehabilitation period after it.
All this, as you know, this is general information. However, the most popular and effective methods of hardware used in our time, it is necessary to tell a little more.
Microcurrent therapy
Everyone knows that the cause of many aesthetic problems are slags. You can get rid of them through the lymphatic drainage, ie strengthening the process of lymph circulation - the cleaning liquid, the most important member of many internal processes.
Carry lymph drainage in various ways.
One and the most relevant lymphatic drainage procedures is microcurrent therapy. This method allows you to influence the cells modulated by low-frequency pulses of electric current ultra-low amplitude, which is determined by the current in microamperes.
Externally, the procedure is simple: two metal rods beautician leads the massage lines, barely touching the skin. During the session, you will not experience virtually no sensation, you can relax and even take a nap.
And while you relax, that's what happens: microcurrents gently affect the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, blood vessels, muscles, stimulating the excretion of metabolic products due to soft lymphatic drainage action. The procedure has anti-inflammatory and detoxification, normalizes sebaceous glands, activates the immune system.
In addition, toning muscles, parallel currents normalize metabolic processes in the muscle fiber, helping the division of collagen and elastin cells (they are responsible for the elasticity of the skin), which slows down after 30 years.
Another usage of current hardware cosmetology - myostimulation (eletrostimulyatsiya). This is very popular. With special electrodes pulse is applied, and the muscles are beginning to decline, promotes lymphatic drainage.
Due to this increased intravascular pressure, improves blood circulation and cell metabolism, normalize the lymphatic and blood circulation.
Fat cells are rapidly burned and therefore reduced volume and weight. These sessions are indispensable to strengthen the inner thighs and arms (especially the triceps, which is difficult to "work out" exercise).
If at the end of the procedure you will have the feeling that the muscles were numb - do not worry, it will take 5-10 minutes. And the muscles will not hurt, because lactic acid does not accumulate in tissues.
Myostimulation effective, of course, not only for the modeling of the figure. You can use it to restore turgor and skin color, smooth out wrinkles, correct oval face.
Galvanizing and iontophoresis
The basis of this method - action on low body DC power (50 mA) and low voltage (30-80 V). This current is called galvanic after the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani, poring over its properties. He, for example, found that when a current is passed through the skin of these parameters there is a polarization: near cell membranes accumulate oppositely charged ions.
Their asymmetrical arrangement accelerates the biochemical and biophysical processes within cells, which in turn, stimulates the immune and endocrine systems, normalizes the level of hydration, improves blood circulation and lymph circulation.
As a result, the cell receives more essential trace elements and amino acids and toxins derived naturally. If a spacer covering the surface of the electrodes through which current is conducted, impregnated with drugs or cosmetics (prepared in a special way, of course), then the current through the action of ions and mobility it penetrates deeper into the tissue.
So, actually, there electrophoresis (phoresis in Greek means bearing, transfer), greatly increases the effect of the drugs.