How to wash away the tonic

How to wash away the tonic
 Very popular among the majority of women and girls are enjoying fast tonic hair coloring at home. The reason for this lies in the bright colors on the packaging and affordable price. But it is not always the result exceeds expectations. Quite often it turns out the other way round, especially in the event that previously were Streaked hair or colored. What to do and what to do if you get the hair color was not to your liking.  
 Try to go shopping, which supply products for professional hairdressers and beauty salons, to search for them a special flushing oil. I must say, it is worth it is not cheap, but you are guaranteed instant results.

If you're lucky, you can buy anti-tonic. Manufacturers produce tonic and a remedy. But the paradox is that in the free market to meet its problematic.

Remove paint from the hair you can with the help of burdock oil. To do this, apply it on your hair, wrap head with a plastic bag and put on top of warm woolen cap. This mask hold for half an hour. In order to achieve faster results, repeat this procedure several times a day.

The pigment of the hair can be washed by resorting to an alkaline soaps, such as economic or regular shampoo. But it should not necessarily be for colored hair. Rinse the head several times with any of these funds, as long as the hair will not lighten.
If you attempted to wash away the tonic, and you did not work, take your time over it to apply a different paint. The situation could get worse. Therefore it is necessary in this case to consult with a professional.

Be sure to use only high-quality and proven hair dye. And remember, after tonic color does not always work out the way you planned it. Therefore, if you are not inclined to experiment, do not color my hair at home. It is better in this case, visit the hairdresser or beauty salon.

Finally, a small but very useful advice - no matter what procedure you with your hair not done the, try each time to apply restorative mask. This will help you to maintain the structure of your hair for many years.

Tags: hair color toner, coloring