Factors influencing the aging of the skin

Factors influencing the aging of the skin
 The facial skin - it's not only an indicator of the health of women, but also its age. Every woman wants to look attractive, but over time, under the influence of some factors, the skin becomes wrinkled and ugly. To preserve their youth and freshness, it is necessary to comply with a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

The main factor influencing the aging of the skin, is the use of moisture. It is very important for the body's water plays. Is particularly vulnerable due to lack of water dry skin - it becomes wrinkled and flabby. Therefore, it is necessary to use a sufficient amount of water to use moisturizers and nourishing masks. In hot climates should always wash your face with cool water.

Also, a major factor in the aging of the skin, are nervous anxiety and stress. Every person experiencing stress in your life, endows your skin slackness and wrinkles. Of course, there are situations in which a person can not avoid stress. But things such as getting enough sleep, the correct mode of the day, active, proper nutrition and rest, can control anyone. After all, from lack of sleep, malnutrition and lack of movement the body is under severe stress.

Another factor that affects the structure of the skin - is the observance of a healthy lifestyle. Fully live a healthy lifestyle can not all people. Therefore, most importantly, we must reject the most harmful habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. When smoking the skin becomes saggy and flabby, and the main cause of this condition is the lack of oxygen saturation layers of the epidermis. During smoking blocks the absorption of beneficial vitamins and oxygen in the layers of the skin, so the skin becomes wrinkled.

Particularly serious damage to the skin can cause excessive exposure to sunlight on it. Such factors need to be properly treated, do not abuse the sun tan, as if he did not look nice. It is worth remembering that the most harmful are active rays that affect the body in a period of time from 12 hours to 15 hours. You also need to take into account age: women over 40 is not recommended intensive sunbathing, because at this age the regeneration of the skin becomes weak. When tanning is very important to use sunscreen and after - caring and nourishing cosmetics.

Tags: skin, face, sun, factors affecting aging