How to get rid of dark spots from acne

How to get rid of dark spots from acne
 Dark spots from acne can ruin even the most comely appearance and cause serious complexes. Instead every morning to mask these unpleasant traces of correctors and cream foundation, try to get rid of them forever.
 Any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences. For such troubles as dark spots from acne or acne, this principle is highly relevant. First of all, you must remember the cardinal rule: acne in any case can not squeeze yourself. This is what leads in most cases to scarring. Matured and released on their own acne and ulcers on the skin does not leave traces. However, the wounds from your independent manipulation often turn into a spot or a hole, which can remain on the skin for years.

Postacne minor or moderate you can try to cure yourself, in most cases, therapy proven tools gives excellent results. The main thing is that in this period on your face there was a large amount of inflammation and acne.

Start with a series of dried and antiseptic masks. One of the most effective is made from green clay and essential oil of rosemary. Take 1 tablespoon of clay, add a teaspoon of warm water and 4-5 drops of oil. Mix thoroughly, then apply on face for 10-15 minutes. Make sure that the mask does not dry out and tightens the skin, it periodically sprayed with water. Rinse off with a soft sponge. Thanks to this procedure, the skin will begin to be updated soft and delicate.

 Strengthen treatment masks you can use acupressure on dark spots and pits. Every evening grease trouble spots tea tree oil or lemon juice. These drugs help to lighten blemishes and restore the skin.

If the stains are too large and deep, similar to scars, use pharmacy drugs. Among them - the ointment "Kontratubeks" and "Mederma" to help in the alignment of the skin. A gel "Kuriozin" consisting of hyaluronic acid and salicylic help cope not only with acne, but also with fresh acne.

In severe forms of acne it is advisable to consult a beautician. The most effective salon treatment - peeling fruit acids, microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing - will help make the skin perfectly smooth. However, such methods are best to use in the fall, it is desirable to leave the home. As a result of these procedures "remove" the top layer of skin on the face and should not be applied makeup and expose it to sunlight.

Tags: spot, skin, acne, scar, dark, post-acne