How to remove acne

How to remove acne
 Acne can not be squeezed out, but a few days to watch on your face this horrible pimple can not afford anyone, so many hands and pull it to squeeze out. If you do extrude hated acne, do it properly, so as not to increase their number, and use means to prevent their appearance on the face.
 Make a clean face. First rasparte skin by holding the face over the steam or making a hot compress. Wrap your fingers with a paper towel so they do not slide over the skin. This will also help better to remove dirt and prevent skin wound fingernail. When cleaning wipes face change as often as possible in order not to carry pus from one area of ​​the skin on the other. Upon completion of the procedure prizhgite place where you squeezed pimples, salicylic alcohol or any alcohol-based lotion. Each site shall be processed separately without smearing means. If there was a deep inflammation under the skin, do not press this place. In this case, can help a miracle tool called "Liniment sintomitsina 10%." At night, this means lubricate the affected area is very abundant, and after two or three days the inflammation will disappear without any consequences.

There are folk remedies that can help you get rid of acne.

Aloe juice

It has antibacterial properties, heals wounds and enhances the protective properties of the organism. Wipe the skin aloe juice for acne and blackheads. Use for the treatment of the leaves 5-7-year-old plants. Cut the sheet at the base, wrap it in heavy paper and place in the fridge on the bottom shelf for a week. Then squeeze the juice from the leaves and rub them the skin using a cotton pad.

Juice of plantain

Has anti-inflammatory, healing and bacteriostatic properties. In the presence of acne, wipe the skin fresh juice of plantain or add it to the face mask.

Parsley leaves

Used as inflammatory, wound healing and regulate metabolism means. Prone to skin rashes wipe parsley juice twice a day for 25 days.


Mash the strawberries and apply on face. The mask helps to get rid of acne with oily skin and give it elasticity.

Calendula tincture and honey

For acne lotions for use 1 tsp. Tincture of calendula, which is sold in a pharmacy, adding a 1 h. Spoon of honey and mix well.

To get rid of acne, often eat ginger. He helps cleanse the blood. It is also useful on an empty stomach to drink carrot juice or broth of parsley.

Tags: pimple treatment