How to remove the irritation from the face

How to remove the irritation from the face
 Sometimes the face skin begins to redden and peel off, and shows the nasty rash. Cause of the problem may be the weather conditions - cold or heat, improper diet, allergies, nervous stress.
 If irritation strong, it is better to consult an allergist. He will appoint tests to help determine the substance-allergen and advise antihistamines.

If the problem is cosmetic, you can handle it on their own. Discard foods that cause irritation and redness of the skin: alcohol, hot spices, fried and fatty foods.

Skin Care Tools should not contain alcohol. Choose a tonic and cleansing milk mild. You can use home remedies. Relieve irritation pharmacy chamomile, succession, viburnum. Daisy chain of brew boiling water and the rate of 2 tablespoons per cup of water and leave in a thermos or water bath. Dampen a cotton swab with this infusion or disc and wipe your face.

Alternates can be brewed as a tea - this drink tastes good and excellent antihistamine effect.

Cranberry juice lubricate reddened skin. Decoction of the berries also help relieve irritation if you take it inside.

Before going to bed make a soothing mask. Mix egg yolk, two teaspoons of carrot juice, a teaspoon of sour cream or cream and 10 drops of oil solution of vitamins A and E. Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Very good softens and soothes the skin potatoes. Cook potato in a uniform, clean hot and mash. Add the warm milk, cream or sour cream and a few drops of vitamin E, to get the plastic mass. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes.

Crush aloe leaf, add a teaspoon of potato starch and a little sour cream. This mask soothes, tones and nourishes the skin.

Solid dissolve yeast in sour cream or cream, add a teaspoon of olive or flaxseed oil.

In folk medicine, parsley called "grass of beauty." Parsley juice soak gauze mask and apply on the face.

Before going out apply to face a special protective cream, depending on the time of year. In the summer protects the face from the sun and dry air in the winter - from the cold and wind.

The composition of winter protective cream - it should not contain water. Its particles are frozen in sub-zero temperatures. Formed ice crystals wounded skin. You can use a mixture of oils: almond, avocado, grape seed, ylang-ylang. Apply it on the skin for 40 minutes before going out into the streets, and in half an hour pat the skin with a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Tags: skin, face, irritation