How to remove acne on the face

How to remove acne on the face
 Acne on the face appear, as a rule, girls and boys in adolescence due to hormonal changes the body. Often, however, contribute to their occurrence, and many other factors, namely, anemia, chronic constipation, exhaustion, and excessive use of sharp, spicy or fatty foods. Besides all this, such blemishes bring their owner a lot of aesthetic dissatisfaction.
 Acne can be black and white. Whiteheads simply withdraw. To do this a few days in a row must be lubricated them with tincture of iodine, and in the morning to handle cologne. After some time, the skin over the eel bursts, and he comes out.

To remove blackheads is recommended to wash toilet soap. The person and lather Gently rub the sponge until a rich foam. After 2-3 minutes, washed off means, first hot and then cold water. After regular treatments acne quickly loosened and removed.

2-3 times per week to remove small eels, a mixture of 1 h. L. lather and 0 to 5 hours. l. finely comminuted table salt. The resulting mass is applied on the face for 5-8 minutes, then removed by the above method.

Very useful to wipe the skin with infusions of oak bark, chamomile and linden blossom. For this 1 h. L. means brewed in a glass of boiling water and insist 10-15 minutes.

Most adverse events considered acne. The skin in this case inflamed, red, becomes tight and painful. It formed small pustules, which later burst, releasing pus. Often after they are small scars.

People suffering from this problem, we recommend washing and toilet soap. Not to crush the abscess and not spread the rash, face soap to be careful, as a means to keep for 5-10 minutes. After that, a person should not rub with a towel. Be careful to apply it to the skin, each time using fresh.

Can be several times a day to wipe face with cologne, talcum powder and pre-mixing it with powder streptocide in equal parts. When acne can not use the cream.

Good effect on acne baking soda. She sprinkled the sore spots for 2-3 minutes, then thoroughly rinsed with water. Prepare a solution of 2 h. L. soda in a glass of water and wipe them face up to four times a day.

It is very useful to carry out 2-3 times a week with chamomile steam baths, and treat the skin decoction of the needles of spruce, pine or walnut leaves.

And, of course, very important to watch your diet. It is better to abandon the acidic and spicy food, eat more fruits and vegetables (especially beets, tomatoes, carrots). If the treatment of acne and acne delayed or does not give the desired result, you need to seek help from a doctor and undergo the necessary course of therapy.

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