How to raise the upper eyelid

How to raise the upper eyelid
 Ptosis - drooping of the upper eyelid. It may occur for several reasons - at birth, and due to external factors. It is caused by the weakening or problems in the development of the muscles, lifting the eyelid. This defect is removed surgically.
 Provoke disorder various injuries and operations on the eyes, sometimes the cause may be advanced age and the presence of other diseases. In some patients, ptosis barely noticeable, others it interferes with normal vision and eye function.

Surgery to reverse ptosis lasts no more than an hour and passes under local or general (for children) anesthesia. First ophthalmic surgeon examines the height of a century, muscle strength, eye position relative to the axis of symmetry and completeness of the movements. Sometimes children is determined by the presence of amblyopia - visual impairment. The procedure itself is not very complicated. On the upper eyelid crease incision is made and the surgeon tightens the elevators. If it is weakened, the doctor sews the eyelid to the eyebrow.

If the disease is congenital, then removed a small piece of skin and cut bulkhead sockets. Surgeon naladyvaet on the muscle a few stitches for replication (shortening). The wound is sutured cosmetic suture and sometimes stitched to the frontal muscle. When acquired ptosis muscle sutured to the cartilage of the century, depending on the cause of the disease.

For this type of plastic has its own contraindications. It is forbidden to carry out the operation at the time of exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as the presence of mental rasstrostv. You can not eliminate the ptosis in children under 3 years. This procedure also prohibited if there is a violation of the mobility of the eyeball, or a weakened immune system.

After surgery, bandage, which can be removed within a few hours. Organism procedure moves easily and do not require patients receiving additional drugs. Sutures are removed after 3-4 days, and the swelling go in a week. The effect of operation is a lifetime in the future would not be necessary to repeat surgical intervention.

Tags: eyelid, treatment, surgery, age, raising