How to get rid of spider veins on the face

How to get rid of spider veins on the face
 Rosacea (or spider veins on the face) occurs when the blood circulation of the skin due to temperature changes, excess ultraviolet radiation, eating spicy and salty foods, alcohol and other harmful factors. Similar disease often suffer owner sensitive skin. It appears burning sensation, itching, clearly shown, often forming redness and inflammation.
 Such redness appear on the cheeks, chin and nose. At first, rosacea may be temporary. Gradually vessels dilate and lose their elasticity. Redness of the face becomes constant and more intense color. These defects cause skin woman aesthetic discomfort.

Skin suffering spider veins, has a fine and delicate structure. For this skin needs gentle care, both at home and in beauty salons.

Firstly, you must follow the rules of hygiene. Secondly, you should use special creams, lotions containing vitamin P, K and C. Vitamin P increases the resistance of blood vessels to environmental hazards, reduces their fragility. Vitamin K increases the strength of vessels, and vitamin C is involved in the formation of collagen and a good vasoconstrictor drug.

When spider veins on the face of it is not necessary to apply cosmetics, having in its composition honey, aloe, alcohol, menthol, clove and eucalyptus oil. It is not recommended to purchase a cream containing fruit acids. They attenuate the already thin layer of the epidermis.

Before going out, especially in winter, it is useful to apply protective skin cream. The committee should include rutin, vitamin C, arnica extract and peanut butter. In the spring, saturate the skin necessary moisture helps moisturizers based on olive leaf extract, glycine, grape seed oil, and others. In the summer you should definitely use funds with a high sun protection factor.

Correct cosmetic care may suspend further appearance of spider veins on the skin. However delete an existing defects with creams hard enough.

Help to solve a similar problem hardware methods. Modern cosmetic clinics and beauty salons offer a range of services to deal with rosacea. Such procedures may include electrocoagulation, laser and ozone therapy and sclerotherapy.

Due to the extremely irritating effect should be carried out activities such as valoporizatsiya, mechanical and chemical peels. Instead, better to use a special enzyme peeling, including a plant enzymes (papain, bromelain).

In the fight against spider veins on the face often help traditional treatments of rosacea. For dry, sensitive skin can use a mask of birch leaves, sage, St. John's wort, lavender flowers, hops and Irish moss.

All components are mixed in equal parts and ground. 3 tbsp obtained by means of the floor is poured cups of boiling water, boil water bath for 5 minutes, after which the mixture was filtered and triturated to a thick slurry. Next, in a pre-cleaned face mask layer applied and maintained for 15 minutes. The tool then washed off with warm water.

To reduce redness of the face and vascular fragility can prepare a mixture of equal parts of grape seed oil, extracts from seeds of cypress, Bilberry, Butcher, wild myrtle, olive and mimosa. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face 2 times a week.

When inflammation, itching or burning perfectly helps infusion of the flowers of lavender, chamomile, sage leaves and Irish moss. 2 tablespoons collection pour 300 ml of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes on the fire. The resulting infusion is kept in a thermos for 2 hours and filtered. Wash your face 2-3 times a day.

Tags: face, star, fight, rosacea