How to quickly get rid of swelling under the eyes

How to quickly get rid of swelling under the eyes
 Morning swelling of the face may be due to fatigue, use a large amount of fluid or alcohol, lack of oxygen, stress, poor circulation. There are several popular methods to quickly get rid of the swelling under the eyes.
 There are lots of causes of swelling and bags under the eyes. If this happens rarely pay attention to how you spent the previous evening. Maybe nervous, drink plenty of water or beer, ate salinity, move a little or a lot of hours spent at the computer. If swelling morning to you infrequent case, then use one of the following methods. If this phenomenon is constant, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Potatoes - a magical remedy for edema. Procedure to prepare it in various ways. For example, a slice of raw potato circles and place on the eyes for 20-25 minutes. More efficient grated potato, this chop raw vegetable grater, add some parsley. Suitable as the juice from the potatoes, which need to periodically wet the area around the eye for 15 minutes or make a compress.

Quickly get rid of swelling under the eyes is also using cucumber, which also refreshes the skin. Can be used as a green vegetable slices and grated mass. Another green Assistant - chopped parsley, to mix with sour cream. Will simultaneously decongestant and whitening effect. Keep this mask for 20 minutes under the eyes, then rinse with cold, but not icy water.

Chamomile - a very common flower in home medicine. It has many useful properties, including helps relieve swelling. Pour boiling water over dried herbs, cover the bowl with a lid and allow to stand for 15 minutes, cool. Then soak in the infusion of two cotton swab or a disc and cover his eyes. You will immediately feel relief.

The same holds for ordinary tea, black or green. Can make the tea leaves or use ready-made bags, which is much more convenient. Simply pour a small amount of hot water and place some time in the freezer. Apply to skin around the eyes for 10 minutes.

Well, very very special, but also more dangerous way - rubbing ice. Pour into molds mineral water, camomile tea or coffee and freeze. In the morning, gently and quickly carry out ice cubes on the face and under the eyes, without stopping for a long time in one place.

Tags: eye