Quite a lot of people engaged in the cultivation of yucca in the home. To do this you need to create the conditions for this house plant. On Yucca very favorable effect the sun, so you should try to locate a plant on the south side of the apartment. Quite simply, you can prepare the ground for the yucca. It should include: a mixture of greenhouse land, garden land and river sand.
Immediately after the acquisition of yucca need to take care of transplant. Immediate need to repot the plant if the pot is not too stable or growing in pure peat produced. Transplanting must engage every 2-4 years. It all depends on the rate of growth of the plant.
Dressing yucca should be carried out from May to September. This is done regularly every 15 days. For feeding is best diluted fertilizer for houseplants.
Jukka needs water, so in the summer should be watered it every 5-6 days, and in winter - every 10 days. Summer should happen drying substrate 5-7 centimeters. Despite the fact that among the yucca positive qualities noted good adaptation to the humidity of premises, weekly shower it still does not hurt. Leaves refresh and clean from dust.
Winter yucca can grow in a cool place. This time of year is the most optimal temperature for its existence - 10 ° C. In the summer of yucca should be on the balcony. It will be even stronger from such conditions.