If you are going to sew strap sandals fallen off, quite thin nylon thread. But to sew sole to sandals, waxed thread to thread, choose a larger diameter. To repair the soles of the boots have a thread to twist two or three prosmolit and well - so waxed thread acquires water repellency.
Still, you'll need an awl and two large Gypsy needles. Such technology. Smooth awl pierce a hole in the skin or boots, and then the needles from both sides meet navigate seams. professionals prefer to work with an awl-hook. It is easy to produce on their own. A feature of this is the presence of sewing on the tip of the hook, such as those that use the masters of knitting lace. By the way, it is the small details can use hooks to lace.
For filing same boots make a hook from a steel wire with a diameter of 3 mm. End few splyuschte, needle files, select the hook zavaltsuyte his saddle to avoid tearing waxed thread, sharpened and hardened. Pre-wire type in a treated wooden handle and a convenient hook-awl will faithfully serve you for years.
If the question is worth serious repairs if necessary to line fallen off the heel or sole, there is already need nails, hammer and claw - iron foot, which is worn shoes or boots that are bent nails from the inside.
Given the fact that today in the shoe industry are widely used various synthetic materials such repairs on their own can cause serious difficulties. It is better in this case to apply to a shoe shop.