Delicious and healthy dishes from rutabagas

Delicious and healthy dishes from rutabagas
 It is believed rutabaga occurred hundreds of years ago from accidental cross-pollination turnips and collard greens. It is rich in vitamins and trace elements - in particular, B vitamins B, as it contains carotene and mineral salts. All of these substances make dishes from rutabagas are not very useful.

Choosing swede in a store or on the market, prefer strong Roots of medium size. Quality products distinguished by the absence of dents and protrusions, covered with smooth skin, has no green shoots. At the top of rutabagas sprout leaves? This means that it improperly stored - it remains less of the nutrients.

If you are not going to cook dishes from rutabagas in the day, when it was acquired, to shift to the new roots plastic bag, make it 2-3 holes for air circulation and store it in the warmest area of ​​the refrigerator. Despite the fact that the rutabaga is a cold-resistant plants, dig, it does not matter endures cold. When ready to cook turnips, take it 1-2 hours before cooking. Wash, dry, clean stainless steel knife. Wash and blot again paper or cloth to remove excess moisture.

This vegetable can be prepared in several ways. The easiest - bake, chop, putting it in the form of cream sauce and bay. The second common method of cooking - stewing with other vegetables. As a rule, housewives prefer for this dish turnips, carrots, pumpkin. All cut, boiled in a little water, seasoned onions, fried in vegetable oil. But we are not looking for easy ways, so be prepared from rutabagas special, tasty, useful and unusual dish - French casserole.

For casseroles you will need 1 kg turnip, 300 g of boiled beef, 50 grams of bacon 1 onion, 1, 5 tablespoons flour, 200 g of cream and 75 g of grated cheese. Meat mince. Bacon chop, fry in a dry frying pan, add the minced onion and fry for 3-5 minutes. Put this mixture into the meat. Swede crush on shredder that turned out not big sticks. Simmered them until half in a little salted and acidulated with lemon juice water. Drain the water, vegetables lightly pat dry.

Heat the cream and dissolve them in flour and grated cheese, weight should hardly fail to reach the boiling point. Season with salt and pepper, add spices to taste. In the a la carte refractory shapes Put the minced meat on top of it - swede, pour sauce and bake in the oven until golden brown. When serving, you can sprinkle with parsley.

Tags: dish, cheese, vegetables, root crops