Berry vinegar. Fragrance, caught in a bottle.

Berry vinegar. Fragrance, caught in a bottle.
 Berry vinegar is an easy way to give your salads and marinades the most sophisticated "flavor", the elegant ease and special style that are characteristic dishes "high" cuisine. Juicy strawberries, glossy black currant, raspberry bright - all these and many other berries can "settle" in small bottles with vinegar to slightly open the cap in winter, releasing into the wild joy sunny heady scent of summer.

Recipe berry vinegar is good because it is suitable for people with any "culinary past." Even if before you could only cook eggs or boil the potatoes in their skins, safely handle the production of this condiment. You must succeed.

Prepare an equal amount of any juicy berries - strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, strawberry - and apple cider vinegar. If there is no apple, take an ordinary 5% vinegar. Berries loop through, wash, free from the peduncle. Choosing berries, do not give up "to lie down", those that are already bursting from the juice, and a little rumpled suit. The main thing is that there is no mildew, rot, spots. If the berries are large, such as strawberries, cut them slices. If they are dense skin as black currant, suppress their tolkushkoy.

Take a glass, porcelain or ceramic container, put the berries and pour vinegar. Cover with a lid or a plate of suitable size, or tighten the cling film and store in a dark warm place overnight or for at least 4 to 5 hours.

Pour vinegar and berries in a saucepan, put one teaspoon of sugar per 100 grams of berries and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for another 10-15 minutes.

Turn off the heat, cool and strain through a fine sieve or squeeze through cheesecloth. Pour the vinegar into the bottle with a tightly fitting lid and store, as well as ordinary vinegar.

Vinegars obtained in this way - aromatized. In fact it is the same or apple vinegar, flavored berries. If you want to get natural fruit and berry vinegar, you can not do without the natural fermentation process.

Take equal amount of berries and clean warm water. In addition, you can use berries fruits - pears, plums, cherries. Berries will only need to go, wash and mash fruit is free from stones and very finely chopped. In warm water to dissolve the sugar (half a liter of water will need 100 grams of sugar). Berries or fruit to lay down in a glass or ceramic container and pour the sugar water. You can use a simple three-liter jar. Within two weeks of leave berries or fruit to infuse in a warm, shady place. Once a day, a lot of stir. After 14 days, strain the infusion through a fine sieve or squeeze through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid pour into jars, cover with gauze and leave for further fermentation, a further two weeks. After 14 days, you will be ready natural fruit and berry vinegar.

Tags: bottle, vinegar, flavor, fermentation