How to clean the fur of yellow

How to clean the fur of yellow
 It has long ceased to be the fur of a luxury and affluence. Fur products can be found in the closet of every young lady. However, it is no secret that coats and hats with light natural cloth capricious, therefore, require special care. Over time, the white fur begins to turn yellow, lost its erstwhile appeal. So how do you clean it from appearing yellow and return the product to the original flawless look?
 Clean the fur at home - work very difficult, since it involves a risk to spoil a thing. Before proceeding to the cleaning procedure, you should choose one of the most effective ways and try it on a less visible area of ​​the product (on the back).

Clean contaminated at home by the time the fur in the following way: pour the pile of fur natural adsorbent which has the ability to absorb all the dirt and dust. For light fur is fine semolina or dry potato starch. Then gently triturated fur between your palms to absorb all the dirt adsorbent. Shake starch and repeat the procedure until until it becomes absolutely clear. It remains only to shake the product and cleaned with a special brush.

To clean yellowed fur or heavily soiled fur product is recommended to pour the same thing and sprinkle with potato starch from a spray solution of shampoo or delicate powder. The resulting slurry was rub his hands over the coat, and when it dries, clean off the powder mass with a brush, a good shake and comb the fur. Dry thing naturally, avoid exposure to the sun and heating devices, or turn yellow fur again.

To white fur is not yellower, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. To prepare the dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide teaspoon in a glass of warm water and add a few drops of ammonia. Return already yellowed white fur can be the same solution, but more concentrated. Apply the solution using a spray bottle to the scalp, but only on the very top coat, so as not to spoil the scrapings.

Products made of tanned skins of animals and furry animals perfectly refreshing wheat bran (pre-heated in a pan) or sawdust, but not softwood trees. Sprinkle them small portions of the pile and grind carefully with a soft brush or your hands, and then shake the dust. Strongly yellowed and dirty fur is recommended to clean two or three times. White fur will not turn yellow for a long time if stored in a dark blue linen bag or blue paper.

But it's best to cope with yellowness and any kind of pollution is well-proven dry cleaning (especially for the fur). When choosing a dry cleaner do not skimp on quality, so as not to spoil the fur thing.

Tags: fur, white, yellowness, cleaning