To avoid complications, before the abortion is prescribed medical examination. Tend to perform examination of blood for HIV, viral hepatitis and syphilis, analysis of vaginal smear, ultrasound of the uterus, blood type and Rh factor. In the absence of contraindications, on the basis of these studies, chosen method of pain relief.
Surgical abortions performed at 6-12 weeks, average operation takes about twenty minutes. In the course of her destroyed the fabric of the ovum, and then removed by scraping of the uterus. Pre doctor opens the cervical canal with metal dilators. With a sharp curette removed tissue destroyed the ovum. Before you complete the operation, the doctor should make sure that the uterus is completely removed from the contents. This can be used an additional procedure - vacuum aspiration.
The effectiveness of surgical termination of pregnancy is 97%. However, not excluded cases of repeated intervention. Abortion can cause a large number of complications, so this surgery - a high risk to women's health. The doctor's task - to reduce the risk of complications to a minimum.
The most common complications after surgical abortion:
- An allergic reaction to anesthesia;
- Trauma and endometrial cancer;
- Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
- Infertility;
- Perforation of the uterus, this complication can lead to excessive bleeding;
- Cervical insufficiency;
- Complications of the cardiovascular system;
- Incomplete removal of tissue of the ovum (in this case, a re-cleaning).