Another embodiment of barrier contraception - a vaginal preparations. The chemicals contained in them, kill sperm. Despite the simplicity of candles or vaginal tablets for regular sexual life they are not too comfortable.
Option, which allows for a few years to forget about contraception - a spiral, is implanted in the uterus. It prevents a fertilized egg and gives her a foothold in the uterus in case fertilization. The disadvantage is that it is not recommended to put more women not in labor, as well as it can affect the monthly cycle. Menstruation may become more abundant and painful than before. The spiral is not recommended for multiple sexual partners because of the risk of infection.
Hormonal contraceptives - the most common form of contraception. About them say that they contribute to weight gain and have a lot of shortcomings. In fact, modern tablets have a minimum concentration of hormones, so getting fat from them impossible in principle. Moreover, some of them have additional functions: to improve the condition of the skin. Individual intolerance of drugs is not excluded, but it is quite rare.
Best before deciding to consult with your doctor who will be able to make recommendations, taking into account age and state of health.