Contraceptive drugs are divided into combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and progestogen contraceptives. Progestin contraceptives are designed for nursing mothers or with contraindications to COCs. Combined contraceptives contain two female hormones - progesterone and estrogen. It is these contraceptives takes most women to prevent unwanted pregnancies. COCs are of two types: monophasic and triphasic. In monophasic preparations hormone levels remained unchanged during the entire cycle. These drugs include "Jess", "Miniziston", "Novinet", "Logest", "Mersilon" and others. In three-phase preparations hormone level changes during the cycle. For three-phase contraceptive preparations include, for example, "Klayra." According to doctors, three-phase COCs are less effective, so they are more likely to prescribe not kontratsetivnyh, and for medicinal purposes.
Taking birth control pills needed daily, about the same time. The time interval between two tablets out of the pack can not exceed 36 hours, otherwise the contraceptive effect is reduced and may come unwanted pregnancy. Start taking oral contraceptives must be the first day of menstruation. Female menstrual cycle is fully adapts to the tablet. Bleeding should begin in a couple of days after the last pill from the pack. If this did not happen, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Usual pack of contraceptive tabletoksoderzhit 21 active pill (certain drugs, for example, "Jess" include 7 "dummies").
Contraceptive hormones - is a wonderful means of contraception. However, for the selection of suitable tablets, seek medical advice. Only a specialist can advise you on the best means on the basis of the inspection and the individual characteristics of your body.