Because the IVF procedure can be associated with certain risks, in front of her holding all couples must undergo a medical examination. Both partners need to be tested for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis A, B and C. A man need to make semen analysis to determine treatment strategies and an opinion on the possible upcoming method of fertilization.
The women will have a more extensive examination. Necessary blood tests (clinical and biochemical), to determine the blood group and Rh factor, urine test, blood test for antibodies to rubella virus, ECG, make hemostasiogram, rent vaginal swabs and cervical canal, pelvic ultrasound, do fluorography, obtain the opinion of the therapist about the absence of contraindications to pregnancy.
Sometimes it is necessary to conduct additional studies on some medical reasons. This may be a consultation mammalogy (required after 35 years), breast ultrasound, X-ray of the skull, CT or MRI, laparoscopy, ultrasound of the kidneys, liver, abdomen, blood test for hormones, genetics counseling, karyotyping, consultation andrology, sexologist, urologist or endocrinologist.
For IVF, like any other health care provider, there are contraindications. These may be classified cancers identified active infection or inflammation, thyrotoxicosis, presence of nodules in the mammary glands or the thyroid. If you are going to join the IVF program, it should be remembered that there are risks of multiple or ectopic pregnancy, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. It is therefore necessary detail to weigh the pros and cons of the proposed procedures and the possibility to reduce the risks to a minimum.
In any case, in preparation for IVF, you and your doctor should be aware that your decision to have a child - a very important and responsible, and if for this purpose it is necessary to provide qualified assistance, it can not be trifles.