Fads pregnant eating

Fads pregnant eating
 About the gastronomic whims of pregnant women is legendary. Taste preferences are changing women in the first trimester of pregnancy. One suddenly starts to pull to the previously hated fast food, while others feel that they loathed favorite coffee. But sometimes in pregnancy appear unexpected and strange desires: lick soap, eat raw meat or chalk.
 Why change the taste preferences of women during pregnancy? There are several versions of this phenomenon. The most popular of them - so the body tries to compensate for the deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals.

More often than not there is a change of taste in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus begin to form organs and systems. Something more is spent, some substances the body lacks, and he immediately "reports" about it.

If there is a lack of calcium, a woman pulls on chalk. The body does not have enough iodine? Pregnant wants seaweed. At deficiency of folic acid or ascorbic there is a need in green vegetables and citrus fruits. If you're willing to pay for a piece of cheese, most likely, you have a lack of potassium. A desire to drink beer indicates a lack of content in the body of vitamin D.

Sometimes the need in several substances formed in unusual gastronomic combinations: beer with condensed milk, chips with milk and so on.

The main culprit of this - progesterone. This hormone begins to actively produced during pregnancy, contributing to its preservation. It determines which elements enough in the body, and what - the deficit, and adjusts the program fill the shortage of certain substances. The body of a pregnant woman receives a command to a specific need.

Of course, sometimes he's wrong, and provokes the desire to eat inedible things. In such situations, unacceptable rejection progesterone stimulates food digestion enhancing required.

The need for salt in the I trimester can be explained by the protective function of the body. The majority of women in early pregnancy is morning sickness, which causes fluid loss. To avoid dehydration, the body asks salty foods, which retains water.

Sweet during pregnancy often want skinny women - because the body is trying to get the missing mass. Pregnancy in such cases is often accompanied by weight gain and a desire to have a fat, flour, sweet.

Another reason for the vagaries of taste pregnant - psychological. Maybe women do not get enough attention, and they are trying to bring him to his strange request. Sometimes it happens unconsciously, but more often - intentionally. Hence the desire to "bring it, I do not know that," the administration of her husband at night in a supermarket, a request to make something.

Do I need to indulge their whims during pregnancy? This issue should be a differentiated approach. One thing is when the winter strawberry want, and quite another - the desire to drink alcohol. The first - absolutely harmless fad, the second - will not be useful to the fetus.

Tags: time, pregnancy, pregnant, caprice, whim