Rh factor characterizes the immunological properties of human blood and is determined by the presence of a particular protein, which is present on the surface of red blood cells - red blood cells. It was opened relatively recently, v1940, the scientists Landsteiner and Wiener. They used their research monkeys - rhesus, hence the term originated. Rh factor usually denoted by Latin letters Rh + or Rh-.
According to statistics, the vast majority of people (85%), this protein is present in the body, they have a positive Rh factor. 15% of people do not, and they belong to the Rh-negative group. Rhesus affiliation is determined together with blood, but does not depend on it and it is a genetic trait of man, his individual characteristics, the same as hair or eye color. Rh factor is inherited from one parent, does not change throughout life and does not mean the disease or some physiological disorders. Rhesus conflict may arise either by blood transfusion incompatible Rh, or during pregnancy if the mother is Rh-negative and the fetus - positive.
With this combination - the "negative" mom and "positive" baby - the likelihood of Rh-conflict pregnancy much more than the reverse scenario, and the consequences can be much more serious.
What is the dangerRh-conflict pregnancy? If a person's blood with a negative Rh positive red blood cells fall, the body reacts to them as something alien and begin to produce antibodies. Through the placenta, these "defenders" into the blood to the unborn baby and cause hemolytic disease, destroying his red blood cells that carry oxygen. As a result, there is a lack of oxygen fetal distress, the consequences of which are not difficult to predict.
But this does not mean that the Rh-negative mother's pregnancy will certainly take seriously. It all depends on the number of produced antibodies that and provokeRh factor in pregnancy. In most cases, they either do not exist or are produced in minimal doses that are safe for children.
What factors influence the production of antibodies in rhesus-negative mothers?
The more births or abortions a woman has had, the greater the risk ofRhesus conflict with the current pregnancy. In this case, likely to have it caught foreign blood erythrocytes, and the mechanism of antibody production was started. Penetration into the bloodstream as well erythrocytes contribute placental damage and infection, which attenuate the placenta and enhance its permeability.
Provoke an enhanced production of antibodies and blood transfusion may exclude Rh-factor, even if it was a long time ago. Usually, the first pregnant woman with Rh-negative happens normally, because her body had not yet met with "strangers" red blood cells and the mechanism of protection, dangerous to the fetus, not gained momentum.
Determination of Rh factor
To avoidRh-conflict pregnancyThe first thing parents need to be tested for the Rh factor. If both parents have the same Rhesus positive or negative, no compatibility problems will not arise. If future father Rh positive, the baby is likely to inherit it genetically as a strong indication. Dad may have homozygous and heterozygous genotype responsible for the Rh factor. In the first case, the baby will be born necessarily positive monkeys in the second - 50 to 50%.
At the risk of occurrenceRh-conflict pregnancy expectant mother must be regularly donate blood for the presence of antibodies to the 35th week it should be done weekly. If tests show no increase in antibody levels, your doctor may do the vaccination Rh immunoglobulin, which will block the mother's blood got in the red blood cells of the fetus.
If antibody levels reach a critical point, mom defined in the perinatal center under the supervision of specialists. They will control:
• growth dynamics of antibodies in the blood of mothers
• reaction fetal - liver enlargement, the change in thickness of the placenta, the appearance of fluid in the abdominal cavity and pericardial
• The status of the amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood
IfRh factor in pregnancy progresses, doctors perform a cesarean section to the protective maternal antibodies had not harm the baby. In early pregnancy, when it is impossible artificial birth, had to resort to intrauterine blood transfusion.
If pregnancy will take place without complications, and the production of antibodies does not, within two days the doctors have to make an injection of Rh immunoglobulin mother, to reduce the riskRhesus conflict during a subsequent pregnancy. The vaccine woman with Rh negative and you must enter in cases of miscarriage, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, blood transfusion.
Success of clinical immunology in recent years show that Rh negative is not a verdict for the parents, it only makes the approach to pregnancy and childbirth more responsibly.
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady