Let's start with a purely medical records. What determines the sex of the baby? The type of sperm (X or Y), which fertilized the female egg. Of the X-chromosome sperm gets the girl, from the Y-chromosome, respectively, boys. Sperm from male and female chromosomes have different characteristics, knowing that you can try to create the necessary conditions for conception and therebyplan the sex of the child.
Y-sperm moving at a higher speed (boys), but die quickly. X-sperm have less mobility, but can live longer and quite a long time to be in the expectant mother, waiting for the moment of ovulation. Therefore, if you want a boy:
• Sexual intercourse should take place as close as possible to the date of ovulation - in sperm with Y chromosomes appear first chance to get to the egg and fertilize it.
• The penetration should be as "pathetic" - sperm will be closer to the mother input.
• Men need to beware of overheating. It is so bad for sperm count, but especially damaging high temperatures for Y-chromosome "representatives."
If you want a girl:
• Avoid sexual intercourse during ovulation. "Nimble" Y-sperm made ready to fertilize the egg is still faster than the slow X-sperm. The optimum period for intercourse - 2-3 days before ovulation. Y-sperm just before it will not survive.
• The penetration during sexual intercourse should not be too deep. Keep yourself in their hands - give a head start slow, but long-lived X-sperm, allow them to reach his goal! The greater the distance to the entrance to the womb to be overcome, the less chance that the Y-sperm before it will get.
These indicators are used in the official medicine inplanning sex of the child (American system MicroSort). Procedure is expensive, but guaranteed. However, banned in many countries (except medical indication), as it is believed that it violates the natural balance. In a different method is based on the amount of genetic material from spermatozoa X and Y chromosomes. Using a laser with male sperm chromosomes containing 3% less DNA is separated from the sperm with female chromosomes, and then administered to sort the sample into the uterus or egg artificially. Such aPlanning the sex of the child particularly useful if you want to conceive a girl - the method works in 90% of cases.
Planning sex of the child by blood
This method is based on the assumption that a "young" and, therefore, a strong blood determines the sex of the baby. The update cycle of blood is 3 years for women and 4 years for men. Divide maternal age 3 and age 4 men whose residue (residue is not the result!) Will be more of the floor and having a baby. Example: mother - 22 years old, my father - 27 years. Residue 1 and 3 - three more than one - hence the waiting boy. In fairness, we note that the method has no scientific basis.
Planning for a baby's sex on the table
The main indicators used this method - the age of the mother and the month when conception occurred. There is a special table (it can be found on the Internet), compiled by the ancient Chinese. Look in the table point of intersection of the vertical bar (age) and horizontal (month) - the boys are labeled with one color, the other girls. Oddly enough, this method has a high percentage of matches.
Lunar calendar, scheduling sex of the child according to the method of Dr. Jonas
According to theoretical and practical calculations of official medicine, conception occurs only after ovulation when the egg is ready for fertilization. Dr. Eugene Jonas put forward another theory, which differs from the official views of gynecology. According to him, confirmed the results of numerous studies, the probability of conception increases sharply when the phase of the moon phase repeats, which was at the birth of the woman. From solar-lunar phase (the angle between the Sun and the Moon) and depends on the sex of the child.
Conception girls occurs in negative periods when the Moon is in the "female" signs: Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer, Taurus. Accordingly, a positive conception periods means that you will have a boy. Suchmethod of planning sex of the child operates at 92-98%. The error is because sperm can survive in the body until the next moon phase (when sexual intercourse occurred at the junction of the negative and positive period) and conception will not happen in the planned period.
The birth of a baby, no matter what sex he was not always happy for a loving couple. There are severalmethods of planning sex of the child (We have listed the main) - try, experiment. Let your kids - boys and girls - born Zdorovenki and always pleasing to their parents!
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady