How to properly use calcium during pregnancy

How to properly use calcium during pregnancy
 During pregnancy, women are very important to take calcium, as it reduces the risk of premature birth and miscarriage. In addition, the mineral prevents large blood loss during delivery, keeps teeth healthy, helps prevent cramps and protects the unborn child from rickets.
 Daily norm need calcium for the pregnant woman is not more than from 1000 to 1500 mg. That it is better absorbed by the body, take it in its natural form, using products containing the substance. Using synthetic calcium species, you run the risk of overdose, there is also the likelihood of kidney sand, sometimes - stones.

As soon learn that they are pregnant, start vypivayt a day to 2 cups of milk. You can replace it with yogurt or sour. Add to your daily diet portion of cottage cheese (150-200 g), as well as a few pieces of hard cheese. With thought-out menu you will create a good reserve of calcium in your body.

Natural source of calcium may also serve as an eggshell. Rinse well with some eggs and boil them hard-boiled. Then remove the inner film, and heating the pan, ignited her shell. Then grind it into a powder using a grinder. The resulting powder is added to the first and second courses, which are included in your menu. The recommended dose - 0, 5 teaspoons of powder of eggshell on the day.

After preparing a calcium powder from the shell, extinguish it with fresh lemon juice. With this reaction produces calcium citrate - it is very well absorbed by the body.

During pregnancy, also take vitamin D and products in which it is contained. This egg yolk, fish oil, cod liver oil. This vitamin helps improve the absorption of calcium and contributes to its retention in the body.

If you have much hair fall out, break down and exfoliate nails are likely to calcium deficiency in the body. Be sure to contact a professional - he will prescribe the appropriate tests and recommend to start taking drugs containing calcium.
But there are contraindications to this mineral matter. These include hyperparathyroidism, certain malignancies, kidney failure, phenylketonuria, and sensitivity to the drug.

Tags: pregnancy intake value, calcium