The main cause of the incident doctors believe serious genetic complications fetus. Than try to soothe and mothers. After all, to have a sick child - a real sorrow for himself, and for his parents. And so forgetful nature and deprived toddler future suffering.
Determine missed abortion in the early stages quite difficult, so there are cases when women go with the already non-developing fetus in the uterus - just for one reason or another there is no miscarriage. All they know only scheduled ultrasound.
However, there are a number of signs when they appear, can be suspected in a pregnant fading pregnancy. These include: the disappearance of morning sickness and other signs of toxicity, abruptly stop chest pain, appeared dragging pain in the abdomen, etc. If a woman observes these symptoms in yourself, then she needs to see a doctor immediately.
For a period of 20 weeks and more expectant mother should alert the absence of perturbations of the child.
Complete and accurate diagnosis of missed abortion is performed only in a hospital under the supervision of specialists. It includes a blood test for the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin - hCG or, as it is called, "pregnancy hormone", ultrasound and gynecological examination. Medical examination helps to evaluate the development gap parameters of the uterus and stomach from the size, position on the term. HCG in the blood during pregnancy should be evenly paced increase. If the level has fallen sharply and began to decrease with respect to the period required for a particular indicator, it is likely to pregnancy froze.
One of the most accurate methods of diagnosis of this disease - it is ultrasound. It is with the greatest degree of certainty will show the size of the fetus and the presence / absence of the baby's heartbeat. If the fetus is lagging behind in development for a couple of weeks, and the heartbeat is detected, it means that the child died.
However, often met history, doctors found that missed abortion where it is not. This usually occurs in the early stages - for 6-7 weeks. Indeed, in the case of late ovulation in women conceiving happened too late, so obstetric weeks of pregnancy will be different from the actual in a big way. This means that where the doctors can not detect 6-7-week fetus may be 4-5 week. And in this case, the heartbeat is physically impossible to hear. Therefore it is recommended to wait a week or two, and a re-examination. You can even do it from another doctor in another hospital, in another ultrasound machine. But if obstetricians do not hear the heartbeat of the fetus for 12 weeks, it is unlikely to have something to be able to help. In this case, with 100% confidence we can say that the pregnancy came to a standstill. And you have to go to the hospital to remove the fetus from the uterus.