There are several types of abortions. The most common and reliable tool is an abortion. In this case, expanding the cervical canal with special tools. Then it is introduced curette and scrape the wall of the uterus.
Quite often species are considered mini-abortions (using a vacuum aspirator suction and comes off a little embryo), medical abortion (when using the drug mifepristone) or interruption by introducing into the amniotic cavity sodium chloride solution.
After surgery, the woman some time observed spotting. The number and duration of their directly dependent on the duration of pregnancy, blood clotting and the contractility of the uterus.
Abortion is very harmful to the female body. All effects after them can be divided into early and late. The first of these are detected directly during the abortion or right after it, and later - after some time, sometimes several years later.
The risk of negative effects is highest for women who have had two or more abortions or surgery on the uterus and ovaries. At risk also includes women with inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, menstrual disorders or blood diseases.
The most common complication of early character include: bleeding, clotting disorders, vascular occlusion, damage to the cervix. Often the case of incomplete removal of the ovum. More serious threat is introduction of infection into the uterus, resulting in generally is its inflammation, and inflammation of the ovaries and appendages.
The most frightening complication of abortion is considered a violation of the integrity of the uterine wall or tear. The first of them may cause damage to the intestine, large vessels, the urinary bladder and peritonitis.
By the late consequences of abortion include: endometriosis, hormonal disorders, infertility or possible complications in subsequent pregnancies and births (anomaly location of the placenta, stillbirth, violation of labor). After abortion often increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
The use of abortion expanders often entails the formation of cervical insufficiency, ie, its incomplete closure. The consequence of this may eventually become a late miscarriage at time of 18-24 weeks.
After the first abortion risk of miscarriage in the next pregnancy is 26% after the second - 32% after three or more - 41%.
As a result of abortion in 12% of women have menstrual disorders. Every fifth develop gynecological diseases (salpingo, endometritis, etc.). Abortion disrupts the nervous and endocrine systems and is the cause of severe stress.
When identifying any delay menstruation is advisable to consult a gynecologist. Abortion safer thing to do up to 6 weeks of pregnancy and better non-invasive methods.
It must be remembered that even well-abortion can lead to negative consequences for the female body. To avoid such problems, you should correct and timely use of contraception.