How to treat Epstein-Barr virus

How to treat Epstein-Barr virus
 Epstein-Barr virus is the causative agent of an infectious disease in which there is a fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes. This virus is also called herpes virus type 4.
 Typically, the virus is transmitted through close contact between people (e.g., with a saliva kissing), bone marrow transplantation or transfusion of blood. Once the virus in the human body there is a development of infectious mononucleosis.

Treatment of infectious diseases is largely dependent upon its occurrence as acute and chronic divided period. Infectious mononucleosis should be treated in a stationary mode to experts could observe the behavior and the state of the sick person, time to explore the tests and prescribe treatments to eliminate the virus.

First of all, it is necessary to suppress the operation of the virus used for this purpose antihistamines, antibiotics, immunomodulators to enhance the protective function of the organism. In chronic mononucleosis treatment is a fairly complex process, because to fight the virus has not been developed no medicine. Therefore, using a common set that helps relieve chronic fatigue syndrome and boost immunity (diet, exercise, therapy, etc.).

Mild disease is sufficient to carry out adequate hydration, rinse mouth and throat with a special solution of antiseptic agents used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, treating inflamed tonsils. Also, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs intake.

In severe infectious diseases often require intravenous detoxification therapy. If ruptured spleen, the need immediate help of experts in the field of surgery.

When you are asthenic syndrome requires drug correction of the patient. For this assigned adaptogens vitamin in high doses, antidepressants, nootropics, correctors cellular metabolism etc.

Tags: virus, herpes, mononucleosis, Epstein