How to cure knee synovitis

How to cure knee synovitis
 Synovitis of the knee - inflammation of the membrane lining the joint cavity, causes pain, swelling severe knee difficulty walking. The cause of this inflammation becomes the knee injury, bleeding in his blood diseases, infectious processes of different localization in the patient.  
 When deciding on the necessary treatment required medical consultation, examination and additional specialist studies that allow us to determine the cause of the disease. In the case of joint infection necessarily appointment of antibacterial drugs, selected individually, taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms (if done arthrocentesis, the resulting liquid is required to be sent to the study).

The rest of the treatment of all types of synovitis of the knee joint is held on the general principles - is recommended to limit the load on the affected joint in the early days of the disease, the rational use of anti-inflammatory drugs (hormonal and non-hormonal), the purpose of rehabilitation therapy. In some cases cluster in the joint cavity of large amounts of fluid necessary to carry out a puncture of the affected joint with evacuation and intra-articular injection. When cases of recurrent synovitis often have to resort to surgical methods of treatment - arthroscopy with resection of portions of the synovial membrane (microsurgery of the knee joint)

To limit the pressure in the first days of the disease the patient is recommended to use crutches or a cane to walk - unloading joint significantly improves blood circulation and it speeds up the absorption of exudate reverse. In some cases it is necessary to impose a few days (7-10) bus on the affected limb. But even in these cases, we recommend massage limb muscle, then first passive and then active movements in the limbs, and the course of physical therapy under the supervision of an instructor.

Anti-inflammatory therapy should be administered by a doctor, while the drugs may be administered topically (to the affected joint), orally in the form of intraarticular injection and intramuscular administrations. For each patient selected individual combination of drugs - it allows to take into account as much as possible the causes and progression of the disease in a particular case. Sometimes you have to use for intra-articular administration of enzyme preparations (can speed recovery) and local anesthetics (reduce pain by intraarticular manipulation).

Surgical treatment of synovitis is most often used for chronic knee injury that is often observed in athletes.

Tags: joint, knee injury