Flatulence: treatment and causes of

Flatulence: treatment and causes of
 Flatulence - a condition in which excess accumulates in the gut of the gases. It appears the feeling of bloating, weight, belching, hiccups, copious intestinal gas.

Causes of flatulence

Normally, in the stomach and intestines of man is always present about a liter of gas, which are swallowed with food, as well formed as a result of vital activity of the digestive microflora. They stand out with belching, during defecation, as well as outside of it (flatulyatsiya). Strong flatulence can be caused by a change in diet, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In healthy people, bloating can occur by eating legumes, brown bread, kvass, beer, cabbage, apples, and highly carbonated beverages. In addition, bloating can be triggered by the use of milk intolerance of its components. Excessive ingestion of air hastily eating, talking, swallowing large pieces and then can manifest weight and "bulging" in the stomach.

But apart from that a strong flatulence can be a symptom of diseases associated with dysfunction of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Furthermore, flatulence can indicate the development of inflammation of the digestive system (colitis, enteritis, intestinal infection), as well as the presence of worms in the body.

A rare cause of flatulence is a neurosis. Neurotic origin of this disorder can be established only after the exclusion of all other causes.

Treatment flatulence

In the first place in the treatment of flatulence must adhere to a diet restricted foods that provoke excessive gas. Next, you need to learn to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly, and not to talk during meals.

For temporary relief state can benefit from the group of drugs sorbents, which include, for example, activated carbon, white carbon, smectite, etc. Polyphepanum They deposited themselves at intestinal gas bubbles and remove them from the body. More modern therapeutics for flatulence are the so-called "suds suppressors," which refers to simethicone (trade name "Espumizan" "Bobotik" "Meteospazmil" et al.). Simethicone wall causes rupture of gas bubbles, which facilitates the absorption of the bowel wall.

If there are contraindications to the drugs can eliminate much flatulence herbs. Carminative action, ie improving carminative have dill, mint, fennel and oregano.

Sorbents and "anti-foaming agents" have only a temporary effect, they eliminate the discomfort, but do not treat the cause of flatulence. Saving bloating even after dieting suggests the presence of a gastrointestinal disease. Persistent flatulence is the reason for seeking medical attention.

Tags: appearance, treatment, cause flatulence