After establishing the cause of the pain treatment is prescribed. First of all, it can be ointments, pills and injections, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory action.
Before the visit to the doctor, you can try to relieve the pain with the help of painkillers. For example, it can be ointments and gels based on ibuprofen and ketoprofen - such as "Bystrumgel" and "Fastumgel"; "Diclofenac" "Ortofen". Ointment on the basis of bee venom - "Apizatron" and the snake - "Viprosal." Carefully read the instructions for use before using these therapeutic agents. In addition, you must stop all the loads on the body, provide the muscle rest. The back is best to roll up or wear a woolen scarf therapeutic belt.
In such a state of good help to massage therapy, laser therapy, physiotherapy, manual therapy, ozone therapy and other treatments. They help relieve muscle tension and pain, restore correct movement patterns. Ask your doctor prescribe the most appropriate in your case, the course of treatment.
Very effective, well-proven in similar situations, is acupuncture. After the session, this procedure significantly weakens or disappears, even very severe pain. This method is practically safe, it is not capable of causing allergy or toxicity, it has no side effects. In addition, thanks to acupuncture improves overall health.