The main symptom is severe, frequently recurring heartburn attacks nocturnal cough, chest pain.
Diagnosis is made by a gastroenterologist or a surgeon. Treatment includes oesophageal hernia diet, drug therapy to correct chronic constipation and heartburn and, if necessary, surgery.
Patients are encouraged to eat frequently but in small portions. Should be excluded from the diet of spicy, fried, fatty and salty foods. Furthermore, it should reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages and coffee. Useful fruits, vegetables, boiled meat, fish, cereals porridge, soups, cheese, green tea. Contraindicated power sports, lifting weights, wearing tight clothing, garter waist.
Conservative drug treatment of esophageal hernia is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms - belching, heartburn and chronic constipation. The basis of treatment is medications that reduce gastric acidity, enveloping drugs that protect the mucosa of the esophagus from its destructive action. Achieve this long-term remission of the disease, but to completely cure a hernia can only surgically.
Surgery is recommended for very large hernia, in the absence of the results of conservative treatment, if the patient's condition worsens, there are complications - stomach ulcers, esophageal bleeding, anemia.
Traditional medicine recommends to improve the patient's condition decoction shoe red, stone bramble leaf infusion, an alcoholic solution of propolis.