The best cure for herpes

The best cure for herpes
 "Malaria", "cold", "fever on the lips" - so called by the people of herpes symptoms. Experts believe that 95% of the world's population are carriers of the virus that causes cold sores. Unfortunately, to date, medicine can not boast a means by which to get rid of the virus that has entered the body. However, there are a number of drugs, allowing to quickly arrest the symptoms of herpes.

Treatment of herpes traditional means

If you feel a slight burning sensation on the lips or tingling, care should be taken - Apply to the affected area antiviral ointment. In the initial stages of the disease show high efficiency ointment such as 'Acyclovir' "Zovirax" or "Gerpferon".

However, topical treatment, it is desirable to combine the reception antivirals as tablets. In addition, experts recommend to undergo therapies to improve the body's defenses. It is known that the herpes virus is only active in reducing immunity, such as common cold or fatigue.

Treatment of herpes folk remedies

Mild form of herpes, the same "malaria on the lips" often treated at home. Traditional medicine offers a variety of ways to treat "fever" - from the application to the affected area with wax to cauterization bubbles alcohol solutions of propolis and calendula.

Herbalists recommend to lubricate the affected areas aloe juice or Kalanchoe - it reduces symptoms and significantly speed up the healing of wounds. To enhance immunity advised to take the following broth: Mix equal parts of series, thyme, yarrow, burnet roots and shoots of wild rosemary. One tablespoon of the mixture of herbs pour one cup of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The resulting infusion is necessary to take a tablespoon for twenty minutes before meals three times a day.

Promotes healing of sores regular lubrication of the affected area with essential oils. Possess antiviral effect of lavender oil, grapefruit, bergamot and tea tree.

Stop the spread of the virus may Herbal tinctures. From time to time to process the skin around the wounds with tincture of calendula, lavender or sage. Treat the wound itself is not necessary - it can cause burns and the further spread of the disease.

Tags: means, lip, virus, herpes, treatment, medication, fever, malaria