How to get rid of heartburn

How to get rid of heartburn
 If you want to get rid of heartburn, you first need to get rid of the causes that produce it. Unfortunately, drugs and folk remedies only relieve symptoms, so if heartburn hurts constantly for a long time, should consult a gastroenterologist.


The bulk of pregnant women suffer from heartburn. This is facilitated by: fruit, pressing on the stomach, and hormonal changes in women. Mineral not carbonated water or a small amount of milk at a time can bring relief. In general, the expectant mother must be mentally put up with the inconvenience and do not take pharmaceutical drugs for heartburn. Within a week after the birth of heartburn will disappear.

Periodic heartburn

If it brings some discomfort after meals, it is advisable to give them up. Also bouts of heartburn can be caused by smoking, alcohol (especially sparkling), overweight or tight underwear (belt). If you want to get rid of heartburn, but have no desire to change lifestyles (move more, eat less, especially at night, wear loose clothing, braces instead of a belt and quit bad habits), it is possible to resort to drugs. If there are not at hand, then no harm will be half a glass of milk or carbonated mineral water. Should drink small sips.

Similarly, you can take a decoction of chamomile or flax seeds. Chamomile tea in disposable bags are sold in pharmacies. Independently prepare a decoction can be one-half of cup of boiling water and 2-3 teaspoons of dried chamomile (or 1 tablespoon of flaxseed), leave for 8-10 hours, take diluted. Unlike linseed broth from chamomile is first assumed that the fasting and the second after a meal.

Well relieves heartburn chewing almonds, nuts with which the skin was removed previously parboiled.

Not recommended for heartburn soda and mint. First though, and will give relief, but will destroy the gastric mucosa; second just relax esophageal sphincter and it gets acid from the stomach. Medications is not recommended to take on a regular basis for more than a month.

Constant heartburn

If you are not pregnant, but this attack you pursue more than three times a day - this is a signal that it's time to go to the doctor. The cause of heartburn may be starting ulcer or cancer, but most often it is a hernia of the esophagus. If you do not pay attention to the constant heartburn, stomach acid that can eat through the esophagus and cause bleeding or ulcers.

Tags: means, heartburn, stomach