Folk remedies for toothache

 Probably, it is difficult to call such a pain that would have been more painful than toothache. When you have a tooth starts to hurt, you feel that the pain is terrible and lasts indefinitely. You can not talk, eat, and even just to breathe. And the cause of toothache is not always lies precisely in the tooth. A similar effect can be caused by other diseases. But right now you do not care what caused, most importantly, to get rid of this exhausting experience. The hardest thing to do if a tooth ache suddenly as always - on the street overnight, pharmacy closed, and to the doctor can be reached tomorrow.

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Women's magazine JustLady offers in this case to use folk remedies for toothache.

First assistant toothache always consideredsalt, garlic and onion. Salts may be prepared from the rinsing tablespoon adding 250 ml of warm water. Do not use hot water to rinse - inflammation may increase. Another method -paste made of salt, garlic and onions. Garlic and onion finely chop, mix with salt and apply to the aching tooth. Hold until the pain subsides.

Folk remedies for toothache

Excellenta folk remedy for toothache - Lard. Thin plate attach to the gum from the tooth of the patient cheeks and hold until the disappearance of pain.

Help with a toothache and canherbs. Many of them have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect and have always been considered goodFolk remedies for toothache.

Folk remedies for toothache

Brewherb sage (1 tbsp. L. Per 250 ml of boiling water), allow to stand for an hour and rinse your mouth. Additionally, you can take this same infusion tablespoon three times a day.

Good effect in toothache gives chewingleaves valerian. This not only helps to calm the pain, but calmed down a bit patient.

Traditional healers are also often used for toothachealcohol tinctures. Most suitable propolis tincture, oregano, calamus, nettle root. Propolis can be used on its own, just putting a small piece on the aching tooth.

Interestinga folk remedy for toothache - Bark of aspen. For your goals fit with the bark of young twigs. Take 2 tablespoons and pour 200 g of boiling water, let stand for 2 hours and rinse your mouth.

You will come to the rescue and common vegetables.
OnionFor example, can be used not only for production of pulp, as described above, but also independently. To do this, finely chop the onion, you need to wrap a small quantity in gauze and placed in the ear on the opposite side of the aching tooth.

Good relieve pain slice of ordinary crudebeet, If you make it to the aching tooth.

If you know exactly where it came from pain, but it can find painful hole in the tooth (hollow) to live up to the meeting with your dentist will help youpetiole pumpkin. His need to cut and burn, and the resulting ashes lay in the hole.

Folk remedies for toothache

Fromturnips You can make a good broth to rinse. To do this, finely chop roots and take 2 tablespoons of the resulting material. Add 250 g of hot water, Boil and simmer for five minutes. When the broth has cooled to body temperature, rinse your mouth.

If you can find essential oils, they can also be set in motion.Tea tree oil considered one of the most effectivefolk remedies for toothache. Similarly, the property has oil and fir.

To rinse enough to put a drop of oil in a glass of warm boiled water. Also, it is useful to make lotions - oil soak a piece of gauze or cotton wool and attach to the gum.

Gooda folk remedy for toothache - Ice. You can put a piece of ice on the cheek next to a sick tooth for a while. From such a freeze some pain subsides. Also has analgesic propertiesmassage a piece of ice. To do this, look on the back of the hand place where the bones come together between thumb and forefinger. Ice massage this hole, a good while pressing, for 7 minutes.

You can do without ice. Then it is possible to massage the temples with strong pressure on them folded in a pinch of your fingers. Push hard enough to feel pain during the 40-seconds. Make 3 times.

Surely some of these tools will help you. However, this does not mean that it is possible to postpone the visit to the doctor. Make sure it's in the near future. Only a dentist can correctly identify the cause of the pain, take the necessary measures or refer to another doctor.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: oil, tooth