Swelling of feet

 Probably almost every person faced the problem of edema - for example, legs or face. But how many know that the cause permanent swelling can be a serious disease? On the pages of women's magazine JustLady medical consultation -terapevta that is the cause of swelling and how to deal with them.

In the category Women's Health: Eczema (photo)

The human body - is unique in its characteristics and possible mechanisms, operate and manage a modern man who is just learning.

Just watch yourself, you can learn a lot about the work of his body. Any little thing can tell a lot about our moods, desires and, of course, about our health.

If you take all describe, you get a lot of very heavy volumes, probably not very relevant. After all, every body reacts differently to the same stimulus. But there are general laws by which we can understand what information your body is trying to tell you.

Today we look at the phenomenon of swelling. There is hardly any person who does not come across them in life - for bruises and injuries can local swelling, swelling of the legs in the evening from fatigue, more characteristic of women, swelling of the face with the lack of sleep ...

Let's start in order.

When and why there is swelling

There are several reasons that can lead to this:

-increase in vascular permeability;

-reduction in blood protein and electrolyte, Thereby reducing the osmotic pressure and the liquid in the vessels is no longer maintained.

Characteristic of kidney damage when the protein passes into the urine and reducing its concentration in the blood, or to liver damage when disturbed protein synthesis. May also occur during starvation;

-disruption of the valve apparatus veinsWhen venous blood can not be at the correct speed and in sufficient quantity to move to the heart, there is its stagnation and excess water simply pushed beyond vessels.

This type of edema is characteristic of varicose disease and explains the occurrence of edema is in the lower parts of the body where blood hardest to move up;

-lymphoedema due to the influx of lymph to the site of injuryor occurs in lesions or removal of lymphatic vessels, lymph flow is disturbed (as it is formed in all tissues and is composed mainly of interstitial fluid, it carries out "cleansing" of the body from decay products of tissues).

It lymph edema often occur in trauma, infection and inflammation.Cellulite - is also a problem caused by the stagnation of the lymph tissue;

-neurogenic edema occurs in lesions of nerve fibersWhen blood vessels get the wrong information about the need to increase or decrease the permeability of vascular wall;

-in inflammation, allergy or traumatizing tissue accumulation of osmotically active substancesWho "suck" the fluid from the vascular bed.

When trauma tissue swelling is compensatory in nature, and is not only one of the symptoms of defeat.

The liquid leaving the vessel increases the distance between the cells and capillaries, and decreases the amount of oxygen to the appropriate cells, and thereby inhibits the metabolic processes in the tissues, preventing the development of severe local reaction, which inevitably would lead to cell death and tissue necrosis.

However, during prolonged anoxia swelling itself causes irreversible degenerative (destructive) processes;

-heart disorderWhen the transfer speed is broken, blood stagnates in the tissues and excess plasma ejected outside the vessel.

Swelling as a result of illness

In addition, the swelling that are different according to the mechanism of its origin, they differ in the place of localization.

Despite the abundance of the mechanisms and causes of occurrence of edema can usuallyby type of swelling and other symptoms of suspected pathology of the body is caused by swelling of one or the other:

-renal edema most often appear on the face, accompanied by pallor of the skin. Typically, this loose edema, long retains traces of depression. Appear in the morning and subside in the evening;

-cardiac edema characteristic of the abdomen, genitals and feet, may be accompanied by shortness of breath, cyanosis (a bluish) of the lips, fingers, feet and hands, swelling of the neck veins. By the morning can completely disappear, worse in the evening;

-with the defeat of the veins- Swelling in the legs, accompanied by pain in the legs, feeling of heaviness in them, swelling of the veins of the lower extremities, redness, stop, and there are increasing throughout the day;

-liver swelling manifest ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen) and swelling of the anterior abdominal wall. Accompanied by the appearance of spider veins on the abdomen, jaundice and itching of the skin and mucous membranes;

-lymphostasis can be anywhere on the body, but is more common in the extremities. Different from the swelling in that the pressure-sensitive pit is formed;

- Swelling in the joints may be indicative of rheumatism or arthritis of the expressed;

-allergic swelling may be local, the site of contact with the skin or mucosal allergens and generalized, when the process involves the entire organism.

The most common type of the latter -angioedemaManifested by swelling of the face, lips, neck, able to lead to asphyxia and respiratory arrest.

Allergiecheskie swelling may be accompanied by a rash and itching skinand. Allergies produced histamine and serotonin, increasing capillary permeability and lead to edema.

In addition to the external swelling, there swelling of internal organs.Pulmonary edema - This is the most terrible kind of edema, in which there is a real threat to life from suffocation.

In the lungs, fluid may accumulate in severe cardiovascular disease, with severe pneumonia and bronchitis, with injuries.

When pulmonary edema patient requires emergency hospitalization. Suspect it can be intensified by shortness of breath, foam breath, cough with sputum foam, noisy rattling breath.

Edema - is not always a signal pathology. It can occur in healthy individuals. For example, swelling of the ankles in the evening, especially with the ladies wearing shoes with heels, swelling of the face in the morning after excessive consumption of fluid and salt before, swelling around the eyes after crying, swelling in the hot season.

Swelling in pregnancy - It is a separate row, standing between pathology and norm. There are several mechanisms of their development - a violation of water-salt balance in the body of a pregnant woman and compression of lymphatic and venous vessels growing uterus, obstructing the outflow of fluid from the lower parts of the body.

What edema?

When edema of any location and from any source is recommended to see a doctor immediately.

In cardiac, renal, and hepatic venous edema effective action will have use of diuretics.

In allergic and inflammatory edema - Receiving allergy (antihistamine) medication. Arthritis and arthrosis - receiving anti-inflammatory drugs.

But do not forget that the swelling in itself - it is not a disease, but rather a consequence and should be treated underlying disease. A competent treatment may appoint a doctor.

Cheers and let the problem of tight shoes in the evening and did not open my eyes in the morning will never touch you and your loved ones!

Alla Grigorieva, the doctor - therapist

Tags: pregnancy, stomach, allergy, vitamin, illness, foot, menopause, Elena