How to treat the radial nerve

How to treat the radial nerve
 Radial nerve - the fattest in the brachial plexus neuropathy. First, he is anatomically located behind the brachial artery, and then enters into the body of the triceps (triceps), the envelope spiral humerus and into the antecubital fossa. In this fossa nerve is divided into deep and superficial branches. Deep branch innervates the muscles of the posterior group of the forearm, and the surface goes along with the radial artery, extending in the skin brush. How to treat the radial nerve?
 First of all, firmly remember: no self! Consult your doctor (neurologist or neurosurgeon) who, after a comprehensive survey will select the most suitable technique. Diagnosis of the level of the radial nerve damage is done when Electroneurogram (ENG).

As nerve damage is always accompanied by intense pain, prescribed by a doctor, use pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Their list is very wide, it is necessary to choose the ones that will help you as efficiently as possible, and thus will have no negative side effects.

If necessary, designate surgery (when the nerve must be stapled). But this has to be resorted to only in extreme, the most severe cases. Fortunately, they are very rare.

Conservative treatment consists of a wide range of treatments: massage limbs, acupuncture, manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, etc. Duration and specific types of procedures established by the attending physician individually, depending on the effectiveness of treatment. A particularly effective method for the treatment of radial nerve is considered acupuncture.

Appointed by the B vitamins, C and E. In some cases, effective homeopathic remedies.

Also widely used physiotherapy (mainly neurostimulation). But should be considered only as additional measures, in any case without replacing them above conservative treatment.

As a result, damage may occur radial nerve? First of all, as a result of trauma (injury, fractures or dislocations of joints), bruises, squeezing. Also, the nerve can be damaged as a result of surgery or injection of certain medications.

Tags: nerve disease, treatment