How to recognize melanoma

How to recognize melanoma
 Melanoma - a malignant tumor that occurs in human skin. That is, in short - skin cancer. When detected at an early stage of this form of cancer effectively treated.
 Unfortunately, some patients turn to oncologists, when the disease is already very start. This is not only because of the careless attitude towards their health, unfortunately, very common in Russia, but also because of the difficulty of diagnosis of melanoma at home. After all, not everyone is alarmed when he saw on his body a suspicious mole. Especially because in some cases it does not seem suspicious. So how to recognize the melanoma?

Make it a rule fairly regularly examine your skin. In humans, there are moles on the body - someone more, someone less. May appear in the new education, in most cases, there is nothing dangerous. Your task in time to discover that some of the old mole or a new beginning to change, increasing in size, changing the color and shape. If this happens - must go to the oncologist! At least to allay their fears. This is the case when it is better to be safe because melanoma usually develops very quickly - that and is particularly at risk of this cancer.

Sometimes accompanied by the emergence of cancer redness surrounding skin. On palpation, that is, pressing his fingertips, the skin area around the suspicious moles, felt seal, there is pain. If there are signs - as soon as possible, refer to the oncologist! Procrastination here categorically unacceptable. An inspection and biopsy done on prescription, give a precise answer to the question whether it is a melanoma.

Sometimes a sign of melanoma is a sharp increase in the number of moles, as the whole body, and at some available area. Each individual mole may be quite small and completely painless. Having discovered this, necessarily, just in case, check the oncologist!

Special deceit melanoma also consists in the fact that it can develop without such characteristic features as changing the appearance or the number of moles. Therefore, make it a rule: any change in the normal state of the skin - redness, the appearance of seals - must be regarded as a potential danger. It is better to once again go to the doctor. Once again, we recall that when detecting the early stages, melanoma effectively treated.

Tags: treatment, diagnosis, melanoma, aphrodisiac