Allergic to cats

Allergic to cats
 Scientists have shown that comprise flat pet, particularly a cat, is very useful. Pet owners live longer, feel more relaxed, people who from an early age in contact with cats, reduces the risk of asthma in the future. But sometimes we can not afford to have a pet with good intentions and capabilities, and the reason for that - are allergic to cats. How are allergic to cats, how to treat it, and if there is a cat, do not cause allergies tell women's magazine JustLady.

Allergic to cats: Causes

The vast majority of people believe that cat allergy causes the animal's hair. From this they conclude that short-haired breeds of animals can be safe. That is, the same sphinxes -cats do not cause allergies. Unfortunately this is a mistake.

The fact that the allergens are not actually contained in the coat of the animal, but in its saliva and skin protein which loses cat in the form of small flakes (just as dandruff in man). It is known that the cat is very clean animals, she spends a lot of time licking from nose to tail. In this case, the saliva gets on the hair, skin, literally sprayed in all directions.

So, for people with allergies, in fact, no matter the length of wool pet. And what then is the value? According to a special medical research, any allergy is the so-called threshold concentration of allergens. That is a sick man is quite capable of safely transfer a certain amount of allergens in the air. Clearly, this number is strictly individual for each person.

Since allergens accumulate mostly on rough surfaces (carpets, upholstery, and so on. D.), It makes sense to take action before theas manifest allergic to cats. But more about that later, but for now considersymptoms of allergy to cats.

Allergic to cats

How are allergic to cats

Symptoms of allergy to cats in principle, no different from the manifestations of reactions to other stimuli.

This can be a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing. Do allergy may watery eyes, rashes on the face and chest. There are such manifestations of allergy to cats as cough with wheezing. If you scratch the animal, and the scratch swollen red bump, it is alsosymptom of allergy to cats.

Allergic to cats: treatment

First of all, it is necessary to ascertain whether it is a cat culprit of your illness. This can make an allergist doctor, through a series of tests.

Treatment of allergy to cats not too different from usual methods. In the first place will be assigned to antihistamines. As with any other allergies hypoallergenic diet is very important.

Here many a reasonable question arises: why the diet, because the cat, I do not eat? In fact, during the exacerbation of the disease diet is very important. There is a term - cross-allergy. It is believed that if they are allergic to a cat, it is quite possible that you react to something else.

Food in turn - a rich source of allergens. That is, the use of harmful product for you (you can about it from time to time and do not know) will interfere with treatment, strengthenallergy to cats. Therefore, if you want to quickly get rid of allergy symptoms, better to stick to a diet.

It is also important to get rid of the source of allergies, that is, the cat will have to give in good hands.
But the lack of an animal again does not solve the problem right away, because the allergens were in the apartment on the carpets and sofas, bedding and wherever visited your pet.

This means that it is necessary to conduct a thorough cleaning. And one cleaning was not the end, you'll have to do it over and over again until all the allergens are eliminated. The fact that the allergen is able to live on porous surfaces for many more weeks, even in the absence of his master.

However, if allergy to cats is not so terrible and torturing you only occasionally, it makes sense to try to keep the animal, but take special measures. And then back to the accumulation effect. It is believed that if you remove from the house everything that can hold up to the allergen itself, the concentration in the air is small and people with weak reaction can normally coexist with a pet.

That is, if you remove the carpets and furniture capes, do daily wet cleaning and vacuuming furniture, it is possible that to get rid of the cat does not have to. It is important to understand thatallergic to cats in this case is not going anywhere, you just can avoid acute symptoms.

But once again, it's up to you not, and the doctor. It can determine how severe your reaction and whether it makes sense to take risks. In fact allergic to cats, as well as any other can lead to very dangerous consequences.

Cats that do not cause allergies

Cats that do not cause allergies - The dream of many allergies. As already mentioned, the manifestation of allergy to cats does not depend on the breed.

Although in recent years there have been reports that in England by many years of breeding bred cat breed that has no harmful protein in saliva and skin.

The breed is not named, said only that she was bred by crossing individuals short-haired breeds, and to have such an animal is very expensive.

During the research the company that gavecats, non-allergenicIt was also found that normal cats too common phenomenon of lack of protein allergen. But this is, unfortunately, a very rare chance, one in 50 million.

Also of interest to study the effect of color on the cat's ability to cause allergic reactions. During the experiment, it was determined that the animals produce dark hairsymptoms of allergy to cats more often than those that are lighter in color.

In conclusion, I must say the following. Before you start a pet, make sure your family is allergic to cats, and generally better no allergies. After all, if you tame an animal, and then notice the manifestation of allergy to cats, you will be very sorry to part with the animal.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: fever, cough, cat allergy, the consequences cat symptom manifestation, rash