The most common mistakes manicure

The most common mistakes manicure
 Manicure - a very important detail image of a woman. In its relation to his hands a lot can be said about her character. However, it so happens that the lady in the performance of their own manicure makes a number of errors that only hurt your nails, it is not making them better. Want to have a beautiful and healthy manicure manicured nails, avoid the most common mistakes of nail design.

Error when performing a manicure can cost nails healthy. On incorrectly performing procedures they respond dryness, brittleness, darkening and bundle. To avoid this, follow these rules.

Never file nails in different directions. This procedure leads to excessive stratification of the nail plate and can hurt her. As a result of negligent Filing microcracks appear, through which the nail is hammered into the pores of the dust. And she, in turn, can lead to an intensive development of nail fungus, cure is very, very difficult.

Also, one of the errors when performing a manicure is the incorrect use nail polish remover. It should not be composed of acetone. It is best to choose one that contains a variety of vitamins, herbs and oils that are beneficial for the condition of nails and cuticles.

When you create a manicure do not make the common mistake such as leaving the cuticle. After all, if your hands will look untidy and not well maintained. Prerequisite - a steam bath. Then you can deal with and cuticle - gently push her wand with a rubber hoof. But cut off the excess skin alone is not worth it. Because it protects the space pretornal nail from getting bacteria and various dirt. And if you miss and accidentally cut off the excess, then you run the risk of his feet let in germs and bacteria.

Never apply the varnish without using basic tools. He's too dry out nails spoils their color, adding them yellow and makes them very brittle.

Also, do not leave for a long time the old nail polish. He does not give the nail plate full "breathe", thereby damaging it and creating ideal conditions for the development of various microorganisms.

If you follow these simple rules, your nails will always delight you with their health and well-groomed appearance.

Tags: manicure, error, holding