Restorative bath for nails

Restorative bath for nails
 Hectic lifestyle, poor diet, lack of time in modern beauties are usually not the best way affect the status of their nails. They start to break, flake, lose their elasticity and beauty. Return the nails healthy and strong can strengthen the special trays.
 If you're determined to improve his nails yourself, first of all make it a rule to do restorative bath every evening. This procedure, which can be carried out at home, will not take you more than an hour. By the way, restorative bath for nails does not hurt you to watch your favorite TV series or chat with a friend on the phone.

Very useful for strengthening nails bath with sea salt (1 teaspoon salt in a glass of warm water). If sea salt on hand you have not turned out, replace it with ordinary table, but do not forget to add a couple of drops of iodine solution.

Instantly a manicure manicured, and the skin around the nails soft and smooth, capable bath of warmed olive oil. By the way, alternating saline and nourishing oil will only benefit your nails.

Firming bath for nails can be prepared from edible gelatin (1 bag per cup of warm water). By holding their nails in this facility for 15 minutes, you will notice that they prestanut exfoliate and break.

Prepare for recovery nail reinforcing the tub of honey, eggs and olive oil. Mix two tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of olive oil. Preheat the resulting mass in a water bath. Then remove it from the heat and add 1 beaten egg. Hold your hands in the prepared bath for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Excellent nourish nails and cuticles look after the bath of warm milk. Whitening effect you'll get if twice a week will do the bath for nails of diluted lemon juice.

In olive and milk bath is recommended to add a variety of essential oils that will result from the procedures more tangible. The problem of delamination of the nail plate, for example, help to eliminate oil pine and sandalwood. Reduce inflammation in the presence of burrs and microcracks capable of adding a reinforcing bath tea tree oil or chamomile.

For full recovery nails quite enough pairs procedures. Do restorative bath regularly, at least for one week, but every month.

Tags: nail, bath