Resistant manicure: Secrets of the Pros

Resistant manicure: Secrets of the Pros
 View flaked nail spoil even the most exquisite manicure. A truly lasting manicure can hold more than two weeks. Save the original appearance of the nail manicure will help fulfill the rules that are used by professional craftsmen.
 All procedures to remove old coatings and application of fresh varnish should be done in good light. Nails should be perfectly smooth, without zazubrinok and other defects - only polish lie flat, not "bubble". Nail surface can be sanded polishing nail file - nails will become shiny and perfectly smooth. Remove cuticles familiar way - tweezers or special structures to soften. Perform hand massage, rubbing the nails and cuticle oil region. After its absorption surface of your nails need to degrease - wipe them with an alcohol.

Apply varnish need to quickly and confidently movements - first broad band in the middle of the nail from the nail shaft to the tip, then two movements process the edges of the nail. If by chance you are dealt a varnish more than expected, then remove the excess of the same brush. To avoid this, dip the brush into the varnish so that it only lasted for one stroke.

The first coat of varnish applied to bone dry, degreased surface. This can be a base or foundation under colored lacquer or plain transparent structure. Lacquer must be dry - this is done to ensure a flat surface, as well as minimizing the harmful consequences for the structure of the nail (absorption pigments, damage nails with polish remover, etc.).

At the base coat, apply a colored lacquer desired shade. If you want to decorate your nails decorative elements (sequins, stones, lace, etc.), then apply them to neprosohshy varnish that they were fixed. For the application of decorations, which are fixed with glue, you should wait for drying the color layer. A layer of transparent varnish layer will fix the color and decoration. To polish lasted even longer, apply top special fixer or drying varnish - such compositions dry quickly and prolong resistance manicure approximately 7-10 days.

Choose only high quality paints, which guarantee perfect coverage, saturated colors and durability. Cheap tools not only to quickly wash and exfoliate, but also spoil the nails, causing various injuries.

Tags: manicure, a secret pro