How to restore your nails after a build-up?

How to restore your nails after a build-up?
 Nails after the building looks neat and nice, plus they are strong and retain appearance for a long time with a minimum of care - correction every two to three weeks. However, there is one significant disadvantage if the Wizard perform the procedure correctly. After the removal of artificial material your natural nails will look dry, brittle and yellowed.

It often happens that after the wrong of nails and their subsequent removal, nail plate becomes rough with pits and grooves. This can occur due to improper polishing and sawing surface of the nail. If after removing the artificial material you have found the problem, from nails have to give up for a while, cure their nails and wait for them to grow back completely to cut them.

Many women are turning to a specialist for nail regularly, this situation can be detected the appearance of burrs, dry skin around your finger. This can happen if the process of building the nail on the skin got a chemical that should be applied directly to the nail. To cope with this problem will help you to specialized drugs to mitigate the cuticle, they are composed of pure natural oils that penetrate deep into the pores of the skin, nourishing it and hold moisture.

The most effective tool in the fight with the changes and defects of the natural nail after extension - it basecoats and natural oils with a vitamin complex (A and E) and extract forest and meadow grasses. Oil will nourish the nail coating and base coat - protect nails from negative environmental impact.

One of the most effective and available to all home remedies - a plain or sea salt, which is always at hand. Salt bath for nails with any salt will help to strengthen the nail plate. Add in the tub a few drops of essential oil or lemon juice, and the effect will only intensify. After carrying out this procedure, a massage nails with any vegetable oil. Massage helps to thicken and strengthen the nail plate and the oil will nourish the nail.

Baths for nails can be alternated with bath of warm vegetable oil, mixed with apple cider vinegar in equal amounts, or with the addition of lemon juice. Once a week, lubricate the nails freshly squeezed lemon juice, or spend a slice of lemon on each nail and let them dry. Then wash your hands with warm water and apply a nourishing nails or moisturizer.

If you want to restore your nails as fast as possible, it is necessary to pay special attention to your diet. Include in your diet foods high in calcium: almonds, dairy products, dates. Eat fresh juices: beetroot, orange, carrot and vegetable oil.

If you have the ability and desire to go to the nail salon for the procedure sealing nails, hot manicure and paraffin bath. During the hot manicure, your nails will immerse in a heated container with a creamy liquid. It includes vitamin complex to strengthen and supply of nails, cuticle. Paraffin will have a beneficial effect on damaged nails and smooth skin, making it soft and supple. During sealing procedures nail nutrient mixture that contains vitamins and minerals, to form a protective film. This procedure protects and nourishes nails for three weeks and is recommended primarily for those who decided to return to the previous form your nails after a build-up.

Tags: nail, Ambassador, bath, capacity, plate