Homemade mask with vitamins for nails

Homemade mask with vitamins for nails
 Beautiful nails - a healthy nails. They do not have to break down and exfoliate. To have such a need to fully saturate the body with vitamins inside and regularly care for nails, feeding them outside. And it is not necessary to resort to expensive salon treatments. Regularly enough to make homemade mask of readily available ingerdientov.
 So, first of all ensure themselves a healthy diet. Useful nail vitamins found in many fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, it is necessary to make and complete the preparations containing vitamins, as well as A, C, E, and minerals such as iodine, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, silicon, selenium, fluorine.

When you balance your diet and ensure intake of all essential nutrients, you can think about external influence on the nails. Will greatly help to support them in excellent condition masks made from natural ingredients and strengthen the bath. Vitamins and minerals that are needed for nail growth, there is, for example, apple, lemon, sea salt, alcoholic solution of iodine, various natural oils. Here are a few especially effective recipes:

Lemon mask

Within a month, a day moisten cotton pads in fresh lemon juice and applies them to the nail plate. If you do not have enough time, you can simply wipe nails freshly squeezed lemon juice. Thanks ascorbic acid nail plates become stronger and become lighter.

The mask of salt and iodine

Dissolve one tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of water. If there is no sea, you can get a large table salt. Add a few drops of iodine, carefully stir. Moisten a cotton wool in a solution or cosmetic disk. Cover the nail plate. Effect after two weeks of applying a mask similar to what occurs after exposure to the sea: nails become hard, stop break, start to grow faster. Mask can be replaced by reinforcing tray of iodine-saline.

Masks with apple cider vinegar

Heat the olive oil. Mix it with apple cider vinegar in equal proportions. Soak solution gauze and apply on nails for 10-15 minutes. This procedure must be carried out twice a week. Contained in the mask vitamins A, C, D and E will nourish nails, provide a better moisture retention of the nail plate. As a result, your nails will soon become much less brittle.

Tags: domestic, nail mask, vitamin, strengthening