From the history of manicure

From the history of manicure
 Manicure - one of the oldest cosmetic procedures. When and where exactly the first time the notion of manicure is not set, but one of the oldest manicure sets of cast gold dates back to 3200 BC and was found during excavations of burial places in the southern part of the Chaldeans of Babylon ruins. The word "manicure" comes from two Latin words «curare» - care and «manus» - hand.

It has long been manicuring was widely known in the world. So in Egypt pyramid was found, dated 2400 BC, which were found the remains of the court of the priests, manicurists Pharaoh. For the inhabitants of ancient Egypt was a rite manicure and keepers of secrets and recipes means to care for your hands and nails were priests. Nail color to the Egyptians also had a great importance because painted in bright color nails said to belong to the royal family, and the pale and pastel colors were given slave. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, to be painted nails in terracotta color with henna.

In ancient China, there was a belief that long fingernails help speak to the gods, and they are considered a symbol of wisdom. Therefore sought to grow nails not only women but also men. But to paint the nails could only representatives of the Chinese nobility. As in ancient Egypt, the paint in China are made of natural ingredients: gelatin, wax, egg yolks, natural dyes and gum arabic (juice cherries or plums allocated growths on tree trunks). Gold and silver paint as a dye have been used only 600 years ago. During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 gg.) Appeared on the fashion black and red nails, and after a while the Chinese women began to decorate the fingers special, shaped nail tips made of silver and gold.

In ancient Greece there was a profession "kosmet." For these people a Greek and the Greeks turned to mask those or other defects. Nail holes kosmet never painted over because they were associated in ancient Greece with the moon, revered as a deity.

In Europe, more precisely in France, the first cosmetic products were introduced during the reign of Catherine de Medici in the 1565-66 biennium. Bright nail color was considered bad form, and sometimes can cause accusations of witchcraft. Nails were not to be longer, generally it is desirable to natural short length. Manicure at the time was the fact that the nails scrubbed and polished to a high gloss wrapped in suede wand.

Manicure in Europe is widespread, but due to the high cost, not every woman can afford it. Over time, the vogue elongated nails, which have begun to attach various forms. And in 1917, invented the first nail polish, and it was red. Since 1920, paints of different colors can be bought at any pharmacy in the world.

Tags: manicure, egypt, history, China, Greece